In Germany, where people pig out on bratwurst and don't seem to slam away a whole lot of salad, the economy is thriving.
"Everyone's got that hype and winning mentality, we've just got to make sure we don't get carried away and keep churning out performances, " he said.
"Maybe the players haven't believed they could go out and win a game away from home but they now have, you never know, we might just go on a mini-run, " the Burnley boss reflected.
In fact, there are a lot of things that can go wrong in there -- in our demo, the photo apparently wasn't held away from the lights for long enough and came out undeveloped.
ENGADGET: Impossible Instant Lab iPhone photo booth hands-on (video)
We could have rushed out and got five or six players in straight away but it wasn't the right thing to do.
So they can't go out and force people to take measures, like having fire walls, cleared-away lanes to prevent fire from spreading.
But the song's musical arrangement sounds tacky and hastily put together - some of it wouldn't be out of place trilling away in a lift or supermarket.
"We shouldn't let the coach get away with saying all he does is drag the bags out and set the gear up, " the Aussie skipper added.
But even now that he's out, I can't quite put away the idea that there's something wildly subversive and compelling about people who refuse firm categorization.
Mr. Roll can't figure out whether he and other residents would immediately lose their Medicare coverage, or whether it would go away at all, if the court invalidates the law.
WSJ: Not Just Health Insurance Is at Stake in Supreme Court Ruling
School districts, food-service companies and nutrition professionals worried students wouldn't eat the full amount, and the agency said it eased the requirement out of concern students would simply throw away unwanted fruit and vegetables.
We just tried it out and it is indeed faster, which is nice, but we noticed that avatars don't load in right away while you scroll -- they're generic until you stop.
ENGADGET: Twitter for Android updated, adds speed, polish, more options