And what if we gave this to you in a very aspirational container, with a spoon made out of whole grain to eat it with?
Today, when presidents decide to take a jog or go out for a bite to eat, it is done from within thick concentric rings of armed Secret Service agents and local police.
It didn't bother the Gillises to go out and not eat anything, but it bothered the people they were with.
Although nutritionists are often a little sniffy about dietary supplements, pointing out instead how important it is to eat the right food in the first place, there are corners of society in which people lack either the knowledge or the means to do so, or simply choose to eat poorly.
Cotton growers have also shown an astounding ability to coax value out of cotton production by throwing nothing away and finding somebody, anybody, to eat it or buy it.
Or, to mix a metaphor, it might continue to swim around the Lumascape and try to figure out whether to eat or be eaten.
Even if you think no one is going to find out, you know, and it will eat you up inside.
You can browse around after dinner and take a book out and bring it back the next time you come to eat.
By the end of the second week, hunger had become a constant companion, and I was in a foul mood about how little fun it was to eat, especially out of the house.
Smart solutions: Family members may have their own ideas about everything from how often you should go out to eat to what religion to observe to whether or not it is appropriate for children to appear on national television.
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Over the past few years several apps have popped up to help consumers figure out what is in their food and if they should eat it.
This is a great question as many people are confused about salmon consumption, which may lead them to eat less and miss out on all the terrific health benefits, especially when it comes to heart health.
"It's affecting everybody who is hungry and wants to come out to eat, " she said.
"I have given children fruit out of my own lunchbox and it makes such a difference once they have had something to eat, " said Mr Moalt.
Actually, they simply want to have their cake and eat it too: they dream of a way out of a crisis generated by an excess of public debt that does not entail a retrenchment of government activities.
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It takes something special to make an impression, especially when you eat out as much as I do.
Unfortunately, most restaurant meals are forgettable or merely okay, and it takes something special to make an impression, especially when you eat out as much as I do.
We want to see how that plays out now in this new environment where it's kind of dog eat dog.
Everyone should be allowed to hang out in the town square and use it as they please, one low price, eat all you want at the buffet.