Anyone else can then use that information for their own developments that may outflank your patent.
The ability to outflank terrorist and guerrilla activity in Central America and the Caribbean.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Panama slipping into China's ready grasp?
The giant jail would outflank the country's largest jail, Oakwood, in Wolverhampton, by a quarter.
It's unlikely that South Africa's call center industry will outflank India's, even with its rising labor costs.
Razor wire was also strung across the fields beside the bridge to prevent any efforts to outflank the barrier.
But his only option for beating Livni in the Kadima leadership primary is to outflank her on the Left.
Some new technology such as ways to squirt data down the copper telephone lines, or even the electricity lines might outflank cable.
The popularity of Gordon Brown, who succeeded legendary Tony Blair, plummeted after he let the Conservative Party outflank him on tax cuts.
Most worrying, her economic policies outflank even the Communists on the left.
He hopes in this way to soften Mr Sharon's objections, and also to outflank the sizeable scepticism in his own Labour Party.
So to outflank the government, the Tories have set up their own commission on reform, which will shortly start holding public hearings.
Mr Bayrou wants an all-embracing new centre party to outflank the Front.
Likud voters do not expect him to outflank Livni from the Left.
The move will also give Serbia a boost in terms of political credit as it seeks to outflank Kosovo, whose Albanians declared independence from Serbia in February.
Hallowed schools such as Stanford University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are moving toward offering classes online, while startups and Hungry Minds are trying to outflank them.
CNN: Kaplan is starting an online college -- minus the keggers
The danger for Mr Blair is that Mr Hague will take his revenge for the Cranborne humiliation and outflank Mr Blair by proposing a reform more radical than the government's.
MPs who harbour these fears including leadership contenders such as Malcolm Bruce and Jackie Ballard believe that the Lib Dems ought now to cut loose and outflank Mr Blair from the left.
This would create an opportunity for the Republicans outflank the Democrats by demanding that each major element of the plan be put to a direct vote of the people in a national referendum.
It is harder for them to settle old quarrels, and some of them see Labour's new moderation as a chance to outflank it on the left, by becoming the party of higher public spending.
Back in the brutal primary battle early in the year, when Republican activists chose their candidate, Mr Romney was forced to paint himself as a tough guy on immigration, so as to outflank his rivals.
The purpose would be to outflank the opposition, which has accused her of concentrating on getting re-elected rather than solving problems such as a budget deficit that is out of control, corruption, crime and terrorism.
One is that examining magistrates regularly leak their findings to the press, which has little notion of the concept of sub judice, in order to outflank any attempts by politically supine prosecutors to quash an investigation.
Tasked to re-establish UMNO's dominance, Mr. Najib quickly went about suppressing opposition publications and encouraged a more strict interpretation of Islam in order to outflank the growing appeal here of the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party, one of Mr. Anwar's opposition allies.
To re-establish UMNO's dominance, Mr. Najib went about suppressing opposition publications and encouraged a more strict interpretation of Islam in order to outflank the growing appeal here of the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party, one of Mr. Anwar's opposition allies, before liberalizing the economy and freeing up the political system.
Its size, meanwhile, is letting Couche-Tard get better supplier deals and set up more distribution centers, either wholly owned or in partnership with a convenience store wholesaler, such as Warren Buffett's McLane in the eastern U.S. The centers give Bouchard the ability to ship dairy products, sandwiches and pastries to stores two to three times a week to outflank the grocery chains.