All this means that young companies are forced to find more creative, more outlandish ways to get attention.
At the same time, federal incursions onto local turf have grown to outlandish proportions.
The show's many outlandish elements included the Dove From Above round and the nonsensical phrase "uvavu".
The outlandish price fetched by a neighbor's home meant that you must be rich.
But is she just masking her insecurities behind the crazy hair and makeup and outlandish getups?
World Wrestling Entertainment (NYSE: WWE) is definitely known for some outlandish things, including Austin himself.
FORBES: WWE Earnings Give a Stone Cold Stunner to Wall Street
Indeed, other technologies, many of them still pretty outlandish, could eventually triumph over both.
"It's the outlandish, most obvious stuff that makes some species survive over others, " he says.
With the European economic situation still a bit shaky, outlandish designs were held to a minimum.
Japanese consumers are recognizing that they are paying outlandish prices for many products and services.
The outlandish wings on top of the car are more than just advertising space.
One story that seemed outlandish was Jerry Flint's 1980 piece concluding that Chrysler would survive.
If you think this is an outlandish hypothesis, you don't know your computer history.
Like the caped crusader, Casio's G'zOne Commando is rather ordinary underneath its outlandish garb.
Yet, their wish lists aren't comprised of outlandish requests that will upend the company hierarchy.
It may be a negotiating bluff, designed to facilitate acquiescence to less outlandish, but still-insidious demands.
For the record, stupid in the title is about crazy ideas, ideas that others find outlandish.
Sure, there can be some pretty outlandish rumours about likely new product launches and the like.
Regardless, we'll be there to scope out any outlandish additions when we descend on Nevada in a few weeks.
One outlandish theory even maintains that they may have been a kind of seismic detector, used to predict earthquakes.
Some of the more outlandish elephant behaviours also suggest that the beasts crave the stuff.
As NPR's Mike Pesca reports, this plaintiff has a long history of outlandish lawsuits that go nowhere.
Talk in high places about removing Mr Mugabe, perhaps even by force, is no longer deemed outlandish.
Social media fuel the fire, as anyone can publish any outlandish junk science claim on the Internet.
Three men accused of planning suicide bombings told "outlandish lies" to escape justice, a jury has heard.
This is oil on an outlandish scale--if true this would effectively double America's current total proved oil reserves.
In recent land auctions it has snatched prime land parcels by offering what some say are outlandish prices.
Benioff said he was worried when he presented it but this outlandish idea was well received.
Suddenly the idea of grandmothers who have never touched a PC buying Zip disks doesn't seem so outlandish.
In this corporate soap opera, the end is only predictable by those with a talent for outlandish fiction.