What I do agree with is that there's some regulations that have outlived their usefulness.
Opponents of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 say the pre-clearance requirement has outlived its usefulness.
Nintendo is likely just killing off a tool that has long outlived its usefulness.
FORBES: Nintendo Power Magazine Will Cease Publication This December According To Nintendo
He had outlived his four wives, his four siblings and two of his seven children.
But many dams, especially those built during the Industrial Revolution, have outlived their usefulness.
We're cutting in programs that we think have outlived their usefulness and that need to be cut.
What (un)brands clumsily try to declare is that brands have outlived their purpose and no longer matter.
In a statement on the issue, the bishops said academic selection at age 11 had "outlived its usefulness".
We find the things that have outlived their useful purpose -- our competitors are afraid to remove them.
Controls over such devices are often poor, and get poorer still when the devices themselves have outlived their usefulness.
NATO, which having outlived the cold war has shown that it is more than the traditional one-purpose military alliance.
ECONOMIST: BRITAIN AND EUROPE: Hopping on the juggernaut | The
Stratospheric salaries create the mistaken impression that the money could never be outlived.
Ronald Reagan once observed that the definition of immortality is a federal agency or program that has outlived its usefulness.
The truth is that Michael Dell is a great example of a founder who long-ago outlived his usefulness as CEO.
By the time she died several years ago at the age of 89, my mother-in-law had outlived most of her friends.
When the election was over, Americans for Bush had outlived its usefulness.
Have programs that have outlived their intended us, should those be cut?
He outlived his usefulness to them because he broke the record.
We have gone through every department's spending line by line, item by item, looking for inefficiency, duplication, and programs that have outlived their usefulness.
They've outlived their usefulness and now just teeter gently in the wind, solemnly minding their own business until someone comes along and knocks them over.
Tablet PCs, which have thus far outlived their doomed consumer cousin, the Smart Display, were originally heralded as featherweight slate computers intended to expand the notebook market.
When he stormed out of the Liberal Democratic Party in 1993, Mr Ozawa had seen before almost anyone that the LDP's cold-war dominance had outlived its usefulness.
That raises the question of whether a technology that outlived even its inventor's expectations will ever be supplanted, or whether it will continue to be upgraded indefinitely.
He can still hit, he can do all the things that he did before, but now that the record's gone, I think that he outlived his usefulness to the Giants.
Perhaps they will be judged to have outlived their usefulness.
In fact, I explicitly said in my address in Mumbai to the Business Council that I think both countries are operating on some stereotypes that have outlived their usefulness.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Singh Press Availability | The White House
It's outlived the original console by far, powered other projects and spinoffs ( Boxee, Plex, GeeXBox -- just to name a few) and is still going strong.
ENGADGET: XBMC celebrates 10 years, latest build works in mainline PVR and Raspberry Pi support