Matt Dorf is a consultant for the Democratic National Committee, who specializes in Jewish outreach.
The procurement process itself is very complex, and the SBA should focus its procurement outreach efforts.
"We can't confuse words with actions, " SNAP Outreach Director Barbara Dorris told the BBC.
Jarrod Bernstein is the Director of Jewish Outreach in the Office of Public Engagement.
The Strand Nexus also carries a number of "apps" for science and outreach.
Prior to this, Felicia was Associate Director of the Senate Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee.
Was this week's trip to Chicago the kick-off of his 2016 Hispanic outreach efforts?
In the world of Latino outreach, sometimes, it's the little things that count for a lot.
But beyond our company outreach, our team members are doing amazing things on their own.
FORBES: Modernizing CSR in 2013: Let Your Team Guide Your Company's Charitable Efforts
Administration officials say their public outreach campaign will begin in earnest over the summer.
She attributes this to an earlier start of the flu season and outreach efforts.
This organic approach makes budget allocation to community outreach unnecessary, because employees are within the community.
And so we do have specific plans in terms of how we can structure that outreach.
An expert fundraiser has been appointed by Salisbury Cathedral to run its appeals and outreach work.
The economic downturn has prompted Koner's group to broaden its outreach and sponsorship methods.
The rising trend of celebrity ambassadors for charities and global outreach is a thorny one.
Meanwhile, Conservatives said the mobile outreach units would result in a far more limited service.
We found strong support among Mexican American community leaders in outreach meetings across the country.
WHITEHOUSE: Shared Responsibility, Shared Destiny: The MALI Experiment | The White House
However, there is still much more to do in terms of communication and outreach.
He considers social outreach, rather than doctrinal battles, to be the essential business of the church.
"It will give us an outreach we haven't got yet, " he told the BBC.
Those who watch Iran closely say Obama's outreach is being warmly received in the region.
It also offers a careers advice service, information bureau, volunteer centre and outreach services.
He said the Department of Education was performing "aggressive outreach" and opening new programs.
As a result of our outreach, numerous stakeholders responded positively to the Executive Order.
This outreach has increased the volume of HIV discrimination complaints received by the Department.
WHITEHOUSE: Toward AIDS 2012: Fighting Discrimination Against People with HIV/AIDS | The White House
The program is the tip of an intensive, months-long outreach effort by the campaign.
Some leading U.S. hospitals have created such outreach tools that let them deliver care to Europe.
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The more Machiavellian Democrats might argue that this outreach could only serve to isolate Republicans more.
CNN: Obama's chance to lead -- or kick the can down the road
Romney is also going to have to put the time and resources into Hispanic outreach.