The last method is a potential problem since religious officials forbid sex outside marriage.
Turn back the clock 30 year, and less than 20% of births occurred outside marriage.
Births outside marriage have risen accordingly, from 9% of the total in 1975 to 43% in 2004.
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Childbirth outside marriage has soared, increasing pressures on women who are more likely to be single parents.
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Mr Willetts said any attempt to use the tax system to support relationships outside marriage would be "incredibly complicated and intrusive".
In addition, more couples have opted to live together outside marriage.
Many countries have seen rising divorce and more births outside marriage.
Now childbearing outside of marriage is becoming the norm for women without a college degree.
Do we want every leader who has a relationship outside their marriage to quit their jobs?
While more black women have children outside of marriage, white women are the fastest growing demographic.
When couples are able to have children outside of marriage, its necessity slides.
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Both men and women are responsible for having children outside of marriage.
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DeParle rightly points out that single motherhood is on the rise in America, with more than 40% of births taking place outside of marriage today where only 20% did 30 years ago.
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"Not only because the father was your husband and he had fathered another child outside your marriage, but also because you had been trying, unsuccessfully, to have a fourth child with your husband".
After steadily rising for five decades, the share of children born to unmarried women crossed a threshold in 2009, when more than half of all births to women under 30 occurred outside of marriage.
In Asia as in Africa, sexual behavior is the largest mode of transmission, but studies have shown that people in India have fewer sexual partners and fewer partners outside of marriage, and increasingly are delaying sex and marriage.
While that difference used to be attributed mostly to race, education seems to be the determining factor now: as recently as 1990, only 10% of the births to white women with some postsecondary education but no college degree were outside of marriage.
But in reality the institution of marriage exists outside any laws, and in fact our understanding of marriage as a social construct bounds what we consider to be acceptable or unacceptable laws about marriage.
Couple that with the possibility that the daily experience of a carreer instills confidence and a greater awareness of a support system outside of the marriage (both key ingredients in determining the need to end a bad relationship).
The judge decided Wednesday that defense lawyer Mark Geragos could argue that Nancy Mehta encouraged McDougal to spend the money she allegedly embezzled so that Zubin Mehta could not use the money to support several children he fathered outside of his marriage to her.
Anyone other than a spouse used to get hammered on taxes by inheriting a 401(k): a child, sibling or significant other outside the bounds of marriage.
Women in Egypt need a vocal champion who will not interfere with their choice of clothes, career or spouse, but who will guarantee that they have access to jobs, to legal protection, and to freedom and equality within marriage and outside it.
Dr McCarthy argues that there are many reproductive choices we can make, for instance the timing of parenthood to fit in with careers, the decision not to have children at all, or to terminate a pregnancy, and to have children outside the confines of marriage.
Ms. Windsor's story resonated with couples who were among hundreds of gay-marriage supporters gathered outside the high court Wednesday morning, playing music and waving American and rainbow flags.
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Supporters of same-sex marriage were in the majority outside the US high court as the morning began, says the BBC's Steve Kingstone.
The issue is whether states without legalized same-sex marriage can recognize gay or lesbian weddings outside their borders.
The Japanese differ from their counterparts in other rich countries in one other crucial respect: though they turn up their noses at marriage, they do not have children outside it.
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In Los Angeles, same-sex marriage supporters Luke Montgomery and Eduardo Cisneros kissed outside a Chick-fil-A restaurant.
This is likely to be the term that the U.S. Supreme Court considers the constitutionality of the federal Defense of Marriage Act or DOMA. There is also an outside chance that the Supreme Court will rule on whether same-sex couples must once again be able to marry in California.
While the case highlights state differences in the recognition of same-sex marriages, analysts have said it will probably have little influence outside Maryland because federal law allows states to ignore how other states define marriage.