Are these investors holding a large portion of the of outstanding high yield debt or a small portion?
If you are unable to collect any part those receivables, the bit that remains outstanding is a business bad debt.
Currently, we are at 6 percent on an outstanding debt that is a multiple of what it was 25 years ago.
"The care I received was outstanding and I owe a great debt of gratitude to my main surgeon Sashin Ahuja and neuro surgeon John Martin, " said Evans.
But these have not worked well, mainly because reducing payments does little to prevent default when houses are worth a lot less than the outstanding debt.
The outstanding debt is not currently the subject of a winding-up petition, but because it is older than a month the transfer embargo remains in place.
"We owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to all our outstanding law enforcement professionals, " he said.
But there would also be a real interest rate of 6% on all outstanding debt.
Don't prepay a mortgage if you have any credit card debt outstanding or are in the habit of leasing cars.
Germany is running a deficit of around 1% of GDP and has outstanding debt of about 80% of GDP.
It threatens to undermine their plans to make a steady and systematic reduction in the level of debt outstanding as repaying of coupon and maturing sums fall due.
The outstanding debt held by NextWave's bondholders will be satisfied through cash and a transfer of selected NextWave assets.
ENGADGET: AT&T agrees to acquire NextWave for $600 million, gobbles up WCS and AWS spectrum
They argue that such a rash move will cause the U.S. to default on outstanding debt obligations, thereby sending interest rates sharply higher across the board.
The government has condemned the outstanding creditors as "vulture funds" - a term for investors that buy sovereign debt at a discount and sue to recover its full value.
There's a moral here, simple but worth repeating as investors go hunting for bargains among beaten-down stocks: The price tag on a company is not just the value of the common shares but the outstanding debt, too.
There's a moral here, simple but worth repeating as investors go hunting for bargains among beaten-down Nasdaq stocks: The price tag on a company is not just the value of the common shares but the outstanding debt, too.
It is a constantly updated figure that represents an estimate of all current student loan debt outstanding.
"However, large quantities of debt remain outstanding at the end of the private concession which, must be recovered, " a spokesman said.