Based on our analysis of over 50, 000 filings and over 43, 000 different write-downs over the past 12 years, we have identified an alarmingly large variety of terms that identify asset write-downs.
FORBES: Big Write-Downs Usually A Red Flag For Failed Management
But some euro-zone policy makers feel they have heard these financial stability warnings before, not least over the Greek debt write-down, and no longer find them persuasive.
This is a company with off balance sheet debt that is over 60% of its net assets, write-downs that are over 25% of net assets, and after-tax profits that have been declining.
Another example he did not work on was a project for a financial institution to develop an algorithm that screened for customers who would not be likely to repay their loans, keep them from over-borrowing, and saving the client millions in loan write-offs.
The decision came as part of the Dodd-Frank act which mandated that the CFTC write rules to regulate the swaps, or over-the-counter market, in addition to their oversight of the futures market.
FORBES: CFTC Position Limits Rule Divides Agency, Angers Market Participants
Further write-offs loom over two contracts, for Nimrod marine-surveillance aircraft and new Astute-class nuclear submarines.
His mature writings on Shakespeare pay testimony to his continued ability to be deeply moved: over-intellectual modern-day critics should take a lesson from his capacity to write intelligently about emotion.
Even as I write this, it sounds over-dramatic, putting far too much weight on one event.
Most of these write-downs have occurred over the past four years, a sign that OfficeMax has been destroying a lot of value recently.
Independent firms benefit from full expensing of their intangible drilling costs, while the integrated firms can expense only 70 percent of their IDCs and must write off the rest over a five- year period.
The pain is not over for Merrill but the risk of further big write-downs has been considerably reduced.
Back in February, Ms Gilbert urged teachers to write and complain to her about inspectors' over-zealous use of school performance data.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Half of appeals to Ofsted upheld
It recorded a large write-down as a result of uncertainty over the U.S. defense budget and spending cuts known as the sequester.
In the meantime go over to Amazon and write a bad review of the BD-P1000 or join the rest of 'em bashing Blu-ray at the AVSForum and convince yourself that you can make a difference.
At Bank of America, just to continue the example, fourth-quarter profits were down 95% over the previous year, after write offs for credit exposures, trading losses and rising credit costs.
In theory, this is an annual write-off that adds up to an asset's cost over its useful life.
The reason is that someone buying a high-coupon bond at a premium is entitled to write off the premium over time as a deduction against the interest income.
Contingent write-downs are one example: loans would be written down in increments over three years, but only if the borrower stayed current on payments.
The index tracking leveraged-loan trading fell 6% over the last three months, an indication that the weakening credits will force banks to write-off a chunk of their exposures.
The fact that Mr Crick a well-known investigative journalist and political biographer should have been commissioned to write over 600 pages on a team manager is itself evidence of the new respectability of football writing.
ECONOMIST: Soccer is at last producing books you do not have to lip-read
Wednesday, he also argued for allowing businesses to write-off all of their equipment expenses in 2011 rather than deducting the expenses over time.
FORBES: Obama, Boehner Show Little Will To Reduce The Deficit
The year over year decrease in non-cash charges for network equipment reserves is primarily due to a decline in write-downs of network equipment no longer required for deployment or sparing as we solidified our LTE network plans.
Dan Rostenkowski, the steak-and-martinis Chicago Democrat who reigned over the House Ways and Means Committee for 13 years, used to write off many of his golf outings as campaign expenditures.
In addition to enabling vivid color labeling to be printed over nearly the entire disc, oil-based or water-based marker pens can be used to hand-write labels on these discs.
ENGADGET: Sharp intros first 100GB BDXL discs, Japan gets first dibs on July 30
Bulgari's Francesco Trapani took this competition a step further in 2001 when he commissioned Fay Weldon, a well-regarded British novelist, to write The Bulgari Connection, a novel about a woman jailed for trying to run over her ex-husband's new wife.
Responsive web design was invented just over two years ago, out of the robot-infused mind of Boston designer Ethan Marcotte (he went on to write a book of the same title).
FORBES: Microsoft's Site Redesign Will Introduce Mainstream Business To The Responsive Web