This is something you see over and over again in classic literature and films.
Day 2 is over and again, I've met some really cool founders of really cool startups.
She has had to tinker over and over again, and we've seen the results.
Albert Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Repeating the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is the textbook definition of insanity.
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When it comes to the War on Drugs we do the same thing over and over again and expect different results.
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But his comments got played over and over again on YouTube and became a story picked up by the mainstream media.
CNN: The YouTube-ification of politics: Candidates losing control
"They were looking at those shots over and over again and they'd pick out these little things -- these little details, " she said.
"As we have both said over and over and over again, sexual assault prevention and response efforts are critically important to us, " Welsh said.
"One of the things I do is think about something over and over and over again, and that's when I start writing, " he said.
You know, the definition, somebody once said, of madness is you do the same thing over and over again and keep expecting a different result.
"The classic definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, " Mr. Hensarling, referring to recent record-breaking deficits.
You do it over and over and over again, and then, yeah, you start not wanting to miss rather than wanting to, you know, make the winner.
There has to be some explanation of how it is the News Corp. chairman keeps pulling the same ruse over and over again and people keep falling for it.
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"The show runners that I know are willing to charge into the barricades over and over again, and you have to be willing to get back up again, " Moore said.
While I hope that she is right, I am hesitant when I see such a small, repetitive data set of examples used over and over again (and only representing the U.S.).
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There are pieces of that fine art that are with us today because they have stood the test of time: we listen over and again to Mozart but not to Salieri.
Reimagining work amidst a global recession might seem crazy but as Albert Einstein famously said, the true definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
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Dr. KATHY HUDSON (Director, Genetics and Public Policy Center, Johns Hopkins University): Over and over and over again, people express their worry about how that information will be used, will it be kept private and will insurers or employers be able to get that information and use it against them.
Its theories can be tested over and over again, in different ways and in different machines.
Surely if Americans have over and over again taken seeds planted elsewhere and brought them to full, luxuriant fruition, that is a formidable accomplishment.
Indeed, with each proverbial crack Palin has made in Alaska's political landscape, the story of her rise from hometown girl to political upshot has been retold over and over again in the Alaskan press and some national publications, including Vogue. What do you think of Sarah Palin?
But history has shown over and over again the value of creative destruction and disruptive innovation.
And even though she was passed over again and again for all those promotions, she never complained.
The solution has been to practice over and over again until the coordination of word and gesture becomes second nature, or almost.
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The soldier had been raving about climbing to the top of the tower over and over again, fighting endless bugs, and all for some lousy medal.
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And that issue is an issue that can occur over and over again, and it is an issue that must be resolved.
You read books, articles and research, ponder all the data, spin it all around in your head over and over again, and ultimately cannot come to a decision.