Over the next days and weeks, my girlfriend went through an emotional roller coaster as her hormones reestablished their pre-pregnancy levels.
One more point to keep in mind: An unspecified number of overseas ballots -- it was more than 2, 000 four years ago -- will be arriving in Florida over the next days.
"Both sides in their discussions with the president and in the plenary session indicated that they fully understand the difficulties that face them over the next days but also the opportunity that's before them, " Mr Lockhart said.
"A slow northward motion is expected tonight, followed by a westward turn on Sunday" and then Debby's center should move over the northern Gulf over the next few days, the center added.
And there are going to be some tough days over the next several days.
WHITEHOUSE: Presidents Obama, Bush, & Clinton: Help for Haiti
And I hope that over the next several days, next several weeks, and next several months, we all reflect on how we can do something about some of the senseless violence that ends up marring this country, but also reflect on all the wonderful people who make this the greatest country on Earth.
Scotland will bear the brunt of the poor weather over the next few days, the Met Office has warned.
The volume was strong that day and increased over the next few days as the on-balance-volume broke through resistance.
The Democratic ticket will campaign over the next three days in the key swing states of Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania.
MSPs will complete the registration process over the next few days with the Kirking of the parliament at St Giles Cathedral on Tuesday.
The extra water will be released gradually over the next three days with the aim of helping the fish leap up a fish ladder at a dam near Selkirk.
BBC: Dry weather has made it harder for the fish to move upstream
The railways are running 220 more special trains over the next three days to clear the rush.
Chairman of selectors David Graveney will sound out candidates to become the new captain over the next few days before announcing the successor to Vaughan on Friday.
It was unclear whether they would appeal the governor's determination over the next 10 days or fight the appointment in court, and the mayor offered an olive branch Friday.
Chertoff said Thursday that 4, 200 trained National Guard military police would be deployed in the city over the next three days, quadrupling the law enforcement presence in New Orleans.
The rest of the multihull fleet will finish in Boston over the next few days, while the Open 60 monohull class leaders are expected to arrive from 12 June onwards.
BBC: Desjoyeaux crossed the Atlantic in eight days eight hours
We ventured out on the plains and pans several more times over the next few days, but the encounter with the vultures was the closest we would come to seeing any big-time hunters at Footsteps.
The man who will compete with Powell for media attention over the next several days will be Joe the Plumber.
The most important aspect of our task over the next two days is to resolve the financial crisis here in Europe.
The state has a mail-in voting system, with ballots expected to arrive over the next few days, according to the Washington Secretary of State's office.
That will be the case as we march into November over the next few days, however with the Presidential Election less than a week away, greater importance will be placed on what economic indicators that are reported.
And for the reasons we'll set out at length over the next two days, we believe the managers have misstated the record, have constructed their case out of tenuous extrapolations without foundation, have at every turn assumed the worst without the evidence to support their speculations.
CNN: Transcript: White House Counsel Ruff's opening statement
Mr Andrews said that the Welsh government will be taking action over the next few days with, he hoped, the co-operation of the local authorities concerned.
Trying to quell the violence and chaos, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said Thursday that 4, 200 National Guard troops trained as military police will be deployed in New Orleans over the next three days, which he said would quadruple the law enforcement presence in the city.
We have a few big events over the next few days that could play a significant part in the next market move.
He said there would be "a high-profile police presence in the area over the next few days both to provide reassurance and support to the community of Aberdare and to assist the inquiry team by speaking to members of the public who may have information".
He will be relieved too that the economic debate over the next few days will be shaped not by questions about how the government can stimulate growth, but memories of the arguments the last government had over how to respond to the banking crisis, the need for spending cuts and tax rises.
Here in a palatial nutshell was the palette and soft light, the practicality and brio, the deep tradition and smart modernity that I would see again and again over the next few days as I made my own accelerated loop through the trinity of cities Antwerp, Ghent, and Bruges that anchor the northern region of Belgium known as Flanders.
Her team will be anxiously studying the opinion polls over the next few days, to see what effect - if any - the Mark Penn controversy has had on those working class voters, on whom she is depending for victory.
Given the sharp rally in Google, traders and active investors should be on the alert for potential profit-taking over the next few days, as traders who were savvy enough to buy the stock as it pulled back in bull market territory exit their positions.