It might be able to selectively turn off brain cells that are overactive, as in epilepsy.
Lab evidence indicates that an overactive EGF system may help tumors produce more VEGF.
Instead of turning the patient's overactive dopamine receptor off, it dims it a bit.
We should not have a childhood obesity epidemic and a problem with overactive kids.
It is being targeted specifically at ulcerative colitis, a gastrointestinal disease caused by an overactive immune system.
This hurt its ability to sell medications such as Detrol, for overactive bladder.
And if you disapprove, then in 2010 you witnessed the power of America's system to check an overactive majority.
Allergies usually result from an overactive immune function that may detect and eradicate malignant cells from the body, researchers said.
Medications that relax the bladder can be effective for relieving symptoms of overactive bladder and reducing episodes of urge incontinence.
If children also have a genetic predisposition to an overactive immune system, they could be at higher risk for cancer.
Because the thyroid needs iodine to produce hormones, it takes up the radioiodine, which destroys the overactive thyroid cells over time.
He analyzed cells that had metastasized to see what genes were overactive.
The trouble for Mr Hollande is that he was elected precisely to replace an overactive president who made the French feel exhausted.
Earlier research at Imperial College London showed that injections of psilocybin could calm a region of the brain which is overactive in depression.
Amazingly, Botox liberated many of these patients by temporarily cutting the connection between overactive neurons and muscle, allowing the body to relax a bit.
The companies have tried to modify overactive repeaters and tweak newer radio models, but the quirk has led to satellite-radio signals bleeding into some local-station signals.
Common side effects of most of these drugs include dry eyes and dry mouth, but drinking water to quench thirst can aggravate symptoms of overactive bladder.
It's FDA-approved for excessive sweating due to overactive sweat glands.
Researchers at Stanford and at the Pierre and Marie Curie University in France had targeted neurons in the mouse brain's cortex and thalamus known to be overactive during seizures.
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One of the main ways schizophrenia drugs differ is in how they inhibit a brain receptor for dopamine, a key neurotransmitter that is overactive in some parts of a schizophrenic's brain.
Common problems include overactive oil glands, bacteria growth within follicles and pores and problems with the keratinization process, where cells are normally sloughed off the skin, pushed out of the hair follicle and replaced by new cells.
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Manhattan psychiatrist Drew Ramsey recalled that early in his career, he examined a patient with daily panic attacks and noticed a swelling on her shins, a classic sign of Graves' disease, a form of overactive thyroid that can cause severe anxiety.