But he wasn't overbearing with it, and he didn't try to impede on the creative process.
Afraid of being overbearing, the Germans left the British management largely to its own devices.
Declaring himself the victim of overbearing magistrates bent on ruining his career, he is carrying on.
The audible sound of the lane departure system squeak was overbearing, but helpful to avoid frightened drivers.
Casa blanca lilies, for example, are "a big, beautiful flower that's amazing but is sometimes overbearing, " he says.
WSJ: Jeff Leatham on the Secrets to Picking Blooms to Make the Room
Mr Hashimoto is determined to be remembered as the leader who brought Japan's overbearing civil service to heel.
"Generally, those people have fallen prey to a pushy, overbearing loan originator who wanted to close a loan, " del Rio says.
But in this culture, his actions were seen as rude, insensitive, and overbearing.
He'd be well served by injecting some humor into the speech, so that he doesn't come across as overbearing.
Every director of the Fund must learn to live with its overbearing paymaster-in-chief.
An overbearing bureaucracy would be encouraged to get on with implementing the reforms.
ECONOMIST: Too many South Koreans are reluctant to change their ways
In recent years, even as Mexico has reported strong growth, detractors have complained about the overbearing presence of private monopolies.
FORBES: Upgrade: Mexico's Government Takes Aim At The Telecom Sector
Even if they wanted to borrow more, cities across the country are restricted in their revenue decisions by overbearing state governments.
Exxon's former CEO, Lee Raymond, says the move in part was indeed about costs and New York State's notoriously overbearing tax authority.
It also means someone in authority who behaves in an overbearing manner.
The pair also has an adequate amount of heft without being overbearing when added to the weight of an already packed rucksack.
It is probably no surprise then that Mr Bellow's novels are notorious for his gallery of overbearing women, drawn ruthlessly from life.
In an effort to win a share of the work, fractious, overbearing men were for once ready to behave nicely towards one another.
Its attempt to be as big and brash as the actual tournament is overbearing and tackling this many graphics will daunt low-bandwidth users.
Megan's boss might show his support by being active in his employees' daily activities, but he ends up coming across as overbearing instead.
Liking color, perhaps to brighten the dark mood of living on a family compound with overbearing in-laws, she filled flower beds with blooms.
Many blamed him for tactics they saw as overbearing, but others noted the role he took in negotiating between the demonstrators and his officers.
As well, Chinese involvement in the Kazak oil industry effectvely ties Beijing into a cooperative rather than overbearing relationship with its sparsely-populated, resource-rich neighbor.
In fact, the American Revolution was a fight just a few generations ago against an overbearing government that demanded what could be called economic patriotism.
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has done her overbearing best to discredit even elected officials with the temerity to ask questions about it.
It did not, however, always reflect British or even Tory opinion, which was (and remains) prone to seeing the U.S. as a coarse, overbearing ally.
The music is typical Mario, but it can get a little overbearing at times, especially if you have the volume on the controller turned up.
Tyson plays an elderly widow who shares a cramped two-room apartment in Houston with her devoted son, played by Gooding, and overbearing daughter-in-law, played by Williams.
On the other hand, if the economy is slowing and there is overbearing concern that another recession could take hold, investors will lean toward the safer side.
Born into a Protestant family in a Paris suburb, where his overbearing father was head of a school for the handicapped, Mr Jospin showed little early promise.