Some women tend to overdo it, because they don't tone down the rest of their makeup.
If you overdo it, however, there are thousands of ways to regain your footing.
The price, if they overdo it, may indeed be somewhat higher inflation in two years' time.
Don't overdo it on Twitter, since too many Tweets may make prospective employer question your focus at work.
Her advice is to start with clean eyes, since these shadows double as moisturizers, and not to overdo it.
"He could overdo it for England and with Spurs and in eight months' time be on the scrapheap, " Redknapp told the Sun.
If you aim for the home run, you're going to overdo it.
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One is that they overdo it, paying far too much for assets, sending the deficit into the stratosphere and triggering a run on the dollar.
"When they start to overdo it, when they start putting in the double lifts and customizing the garage, that could hurt the marketability of their house on the next sale, " he says.
Still, it's easy to overdo it.
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With the holidays, we are always on the go with tons of things to do- shopping, family and work obligations, appointments to make-so the key is to not overdo it- because this can negatively affect your heath and you could end up spending the holidays in the ER.
The risk with such crude measures is that it is easy to overdo things and cause a more severe contraction than intended.
Yes, it's possible to overdo 401(k)s and Individual Retirement Accounts.
Tony Hirst says that relevance is a key part of Google's offering but equally it is not good for business to overdo the filtering.
No doubt, even venturesome consumers can overdo their enthusiasm for innovation, just as venturesome investors overdid it during the dotcom bubble.
In my coverage I did not want to overdo my personal connection, but I didn't want to leave it out either.
"It's very difficult not to be overly rooty, not to overdo an earthly feeling or get too powdery, " she said.