Truckloads of overflow donations are being diverted to Shea Stadium, an hour's drive away.
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Guests filled Auckland's Holy Trinity Anglican Cathedral and an overflow area next door for a service.
We didn't merely have the overflow, we actually had the break in the wall.
The user needs to pull the bottle away in time to avoid an overflow.
WSJ: With Bottle-Fillers in Mind, the Water Fountain Evolves
As a wholesale operator to other carriers, Clearwire intends to provide backup support for overflow traffic.
The big tent dedicated to dance music was rarely less than filled to a boisterous overflow.
The MCS also called for overflow pipes to be mapped and managed more closely.
These have traditionally played the role of water-catchment areas, absorbing any overflow from the river.
The fury of a single monsoon cloudburst can precipitate enough water to overflow river banks.
The whole program could consume hundreds of millions of dollars and yield an overflow of useless compounds.
After personally visiting the overflow rooms (there were too many kids for just one gym to hold), Mrs.
The flooding of overflow office districts in low-lying areas like Metairie could raise demand for high-and-dry high-rises downtown.
It really is bizarre that leaving one instanced area for another would relegate players to an overflow server.
FORBES: The Colossal Folly Of The 'Guild Wars 2' Overflow [Update]
When storms hit, these systems can overflow, sending untreated sewage into rivers, lakes, beaches, and drinking water supplies.
John McCain (R) told an overflow crowd on Saturday at the Windham Middle School in Windham, New Hampshire.
Now, I have to make a crazy loop through the airport and get out the access road to overflow.
It will also cause the magnetic bottle to overflow and emit a stream of plasma through a special outlet.
The Environment Agency will build overflow areas, raise flood defences and install a culvert along Salmons Brook in Edmonton.
And iPhones coast-to-coast will overflow with push notifications blasting the latest trade rumors.
Dynamic events, level scaling, overflow queues, wvwvw, Joining friends on other servers, are just some of the bigger items.
FORBES: The Colossal Folly Of The 'Guild Wars 2' Overflow [Update]
Unfortunately, these systems frequently overflow, and so untreated sewage and storm water runoff are expelled into surrounding water bodies.
Another 150 watched the memorial service from an overflow area, according to WSB.
Most observers were sent to two overflow rooms to listen to the proceedings.
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There was a brimming, an overflow of good nature, and a transparency: something occluding had been removed, baring neglected possibilities.
On the show, Liew also talks about his predictions for 2010, which include: social gaming will overflow out of facebook.
Construction on single-family homes continues to remain at a stand-still, as inventories overflow the selling market and unemployment remains over 9%.
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Reporters are asked not to use their laptops or place calls from the overflow room where they can observe the proceedings.
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The name House of Museums reflects its original purpose: to store an overflow of items that would not fit in other facilities.
New lines and new operators have been added to process the overflow.