Additionally, the LaCie 5big's advanced dual cooling system ensures long-term reliability by preventing overheating.
ENGADGET: LaCie announces the 5big Thunderbolt series: up to 20TB capacity starting at $1,199
Boeing delivered just one 787 before the planes were grounded in January because of overheating batteries.
Eighty potential explanations for the overheating have been investigated, but almost all have proven unfounded.
FORBES: Boeing Completes Tests Leading To Resumption Of Dreamliner Operations
The power plant's cooling systems failed after the quake and tsunami, leading to the reactors overheating.
Potential growth is the maximum growth rate an economy could achieve without causing serious overheating problems.
The computers shut down automatically on midnight New Year's Eve, causing overheating and damage.
As business expansions mature, the Fed increasingly worries about economic overheating and serious inflation.
To cool an overheating economy, the Fed will likely slow its open market purchases.
FORBES: 'Quantitative Easing' Is A Toxic Phrase for a Routine Policy
Boeing told regulators that it had implemented a computer controlled system to stop such overheating.
FORBES: 'Thermal Runaway' in 787 Dreamliner Batteries Must Be Stopped
Japan obliged, despite signs that its economy was overheating and a financial bubble was developing.
With greater confidence has come a consumer spending boom, which risks overheating the economy.
The periphery, in contrast, is growing so fast it is in danger of overheating.
The government line is that the economy is overheating only in this handful of sectors.
Worried about overheating, her government is trimming 50 billion reais from this year's budget.
First, the extent of overheating is nowhere near as serious as in the late 1980s.
In a bizarre sign of overheating, some Estonian firms are even importing workers from Finland.
Unlike some emerging economies, where rates have been raised, these rich economies are far from overheating.
But, at 8.3%, its still-scorching growth figures continue to deter some investors worried about overheating.
In 2006 the market was strong, but some thought it on the verge of overheating.
An overheating battery on an ANA flight led 787s being grounded in January.
Microsoft has blamed an overheating data centre for a 16-hour shutdown of its Outlook and Hotmail systems.
Several reactors suffered catastrophic damage from overheating, resulting in radiation releases that forced evacuation of nearby areas.
China's economy grew by 10.7% in the first nine months of the year, fuelling worries about overheating.
Worried that the country is overheating, the central bank has put up interest rates, and may again.
But the government will have to reduce the current account deficit and be wary of economic overheating.
Mr Clementi sought to calm nerves about an overheating housing market by denying there was a bubble.
The economies with the strongest fiscal positions, such as China, need to worry about overheating more than slumping.
India's move came as a report on Tuesday from the International Monetary Fund warned about emerging economies overheating.
China's government, fearful that its rip-roaring growth could lead to overheating, has introduced measures to cool the economy.
Recently everything has been about these emerging markets, and fears of either overheating or asset bubbles have subsided.
FORBES: The Paradoxes Of Emerging Markets: Fuel Shortages In Argentina