Joel is in a special school at the moment, which is unchallenging and overprotective.
"I knew I was an overprotective Mom, but I had my reasons, " she adds.
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Operators also have to balance the demands of students straddling childhood and adulthood, educators and overprotective parents.
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Childhood friends recall that Edmund's parents were overprotective and wouldn't even let him listen to rock music.
Hearing stories of betrayal may cause some to distrust their close contacts or become overprotective of their children.
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There are all sorts of reasons that couldn't happen, but mostly because my wife is extremely protective, perhaps overprotective, of our children.
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Even as the country's overprotective parents whip themselves up into a moral panic about kid-on-kid cruelty, the numbers don't point to any explosion of abuse.
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Victoria said she and Victor are equally overprotective of one another.
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It was Divine, as Tracy's overprotective mother Edna, who lifted Hairspray into camp heaven, and it's Divine and her splendid trashy baggage that are painfully missed.
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Since most kids now have access to cable TV, the Internet, unlimited talk and texting, college and a world of opportunities that was unimaginable even 20 years ago, it seems that adults have responded by becoming ever more overprotective and thin-skinned.
WSJ: The Panic Over Bullies
In her first performance since giving birth to her second child in October, Diana Damrau gave a searing, loving portrayal of Gilda, a total melding of her silvery soprano with the persona of a vulnerable, confused young girl, unsure how to deal with her overprotective father and sexual awakening amid the bawdy decadence of Sin City.
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