If the Democrats overreach, if the party's liberals go too far, that may improve GOP standing.
But voters also viewed the impeachment as an overreach, and Mr. Clinton's poll numbers shot up.
"This will be looked at by the (aviation) community as an overreach, " said member Earl Weener.
The Ancient Greeks show us what happens when we overreach, trying to win too much.
The second question hanging over Oracle shares is harder to calculate: Will Oracle overreach?
Europe and America can still turn Mr. Putin's tactical overreach into a strategic opportunity.
Subsidies distort and disrupt free market structures and business incentives through regulatory interference and overreach precedents.
The point is not to overreach, but to make these objectives feasible in an efficient manner.
That overreach made so little sense that it was hard even to discuss it.
Kamath's message to his troops: Don't try to overreach yourself or, worse, upstage your teammates.
Hubris is at the heart of all this overreach, in Florida, in Wisconsin, in Michigan.
"None of the charges involved aggressive readings of the law or any apparent prosecutorial overreach, " he said.
But for others, even some who agree that obesity is an issue, this proposal marks a government overreach.
Her latest book is filled with wisdom about the dangers of overreach and the importance of local knowledge.
That was also an EU court's reading of the case in a recently installed appeals process against Monti's overreach.
Certainly the next Mayor should work with the City Council to hold pubic hearings on this overreaction and overreach.
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Following his death, Mr Swartz's family released a statement blaming "intimidation" and "prosecutorial overreach" from the criminal justice system.
Greedy investors obviously played a part, but investors have always been greedy, and some inevitably overreach and destroy themselves.
What Democrats should not do is overreach in their attack on Republican over-reaching and revert to more Bush bashing.
His language can overreach itself, but it can also hit the mark precisely.
Chabot said investigations are still unfolding, and it's important to follow the facts and not to overreach in drawing conclusions.
Randy Richards told the Associated Press he was a gun owner, but resented the proposal because it was government overreach.
Since Republicans retook the House in 2010, the overreach of regulatory agencies has been a central theme of the new Congress.
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Buyback manages to be sweeping, symbolic, substantial, and comforting even as it advances a sensible policy with no risk of overreach.
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It is no surprise, really, that someone (in this case Pets.com) might overreach poking around the edges of the online retail space.
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Still, doubling homepage traffic seems, at first blush, like a potential overreach.
One factor that predicts bubble peaks, I would suggest, is silly overreach.
It is precisely this kind of federal intrusion and overreach that has generated a new-found public interest in the Constitution, its history and meaning.
J's publications cite the risk that the expectation of a long period of low interest rates will cause firms and banks to overreach themselves.
"Sometimes agencies overreach their mandate for, inter alia, political reasons, " said Sean O'Shea, a former federal prosecutor for securities fraud now in private practice.