Eventually (already?) the number of features will overshoot the needs of the middle of the market.
Mr King said that the overshoot would be temporary, partly because it reflected the VAT increase.
It's still an overshoot compared to the plans, but it does make their life a bit easier.
The consensus for economic growth is now over 7.5% for 1996 and it might even overshoot that.
The bank has lost credibility as the inflation overshoot has persisted and its forecasts have proved incorrect.
Canada, which will hugely overshoot its Kyoto target, is reported to be considering quitting the treaty altogether.
Prices in the Netherlands have historically tended to overshoot at the least hint of rapid credit expansion.
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Our new emphasis is on inflation, the necessary Fed overshoot, and the possibility of a substantial 2007 slowdown.
And given a lot of extra cash and credit from the feds, supply tends to overshoot, often spectacularly.
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The Bundesbank is not so worried about whether there is a mini-overshoot of that 3% for this year.
That's a slightly smaller overshoot than in the US and much less than in the Republic of Ireland.
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If nothing else, you know that if you overshoot you can make up for some it by increasing incentives.
According to the IMF, just 3.7 of that 32.6 percentage point overshoot was due to this kind of error.
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Markets are prone to an endless succession of irrational exuberance that allows commodities to dramatically overshoot their intrinsic value.
Markets tend to overshoot the historical norm for a while, if they previously got far away from the norm.
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Therefore, ADP tends to overshoot the BLS data in cases of weather disruptions.
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And, given the scale of excess supply, house prices are likely to overshoot.
G4S had "repeatedly assured us they would overshoot their targets", until last Wednesday's acknowledgement of the problem, Mrs May said.
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Yet this overshoot is the result of slower-than-expected growth, not increased public profligacy, so a bigger deficit would be justified.
After all, it wasn't that long ago that Mr King had to write a public letter explaining an inflationary overshoot.
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But there is a real risk that emerging-market currencies will plummet, inflation overshoot, central banks lose credibility and confidence erode.
If history is a guidepost, the Fed will probably overshoot, and the fiscal deficits will turn out larger than anticipated.
Nobody yet knows how bad the overshoot is, but the government says the outcome could be 8% or more (see chart).
First, over time the brain adjusts to their activity, so that if they are stopped suddenly, brain activity can overshoot normal.
Over time technologies overshoot, markets modularize, and small price differences matter more.
On a less cataclysmic note, however, all markets overshoot, and new instruments and risk-control techniques, plus new participants, make it more likely.
And that response might overshoot somehow and cause higher inflation (or deflation).
Knight says the moral of the story is that markets tend to overshoot expectations both on the way up and the way down.
Establishing such credibility will prove hard if it sets a monetary target and then is promptly forced by unforeseen events to overshoot it.
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This means the Fed is further behind the curve than we had thought and will have to overshoot neutral more than we had thought.