You know, the basic arithmetic that I oversimplify, but it's more or less right.
To oversimplify, a bit, that means the processors can get more work done using less power.
To oversimplify, a bit, CPUs are built to bop from one task to another in a hurry.
He argues that many tend to oversimplify the implications of possible cuts in the rates student pay on loans.
He added that he believes both sides of the gun conversation tend to oversimplify the Founding Fathers' historical intent.
To oversimplify a bit, they pile as much income as possible into foreign subsidiaries that are located in very low-tax jurisdictions.
FORBES: A New Way To Address The International Tax Mess For U.S. Companies
To oversimplify the thesis into a political slogan: disruption to create competing avenues for education, but not displacement for a new monopoly.
FORBES: Hacking Higher Education: Dale Stephens and Unschooling
If, to oversimplify, the PC was the productivity computer and the Mac was the creativity computer, PC 3.0 could be the social computer.
To oversimplify a bit, a circuit switch opens up a dedicated line between you and that fellow you're talking with 1, 200 miles away.
To oversimplify a bit, a circuit switch opens up a dedicated line between you and that fellow you're talking with 1, 200 kilometers away.
It is fast-paced and well-sourced but runs right from before the six-day war of 1967 to the present, and so has often to oversimplify.
Only years later do some entrepreneurs look back and appreciate that they were forced to oversimplify and truncate their venture into a compact and concise presentation.
That contrast may oversimplify things, but with the new Democratic Congress there's sure to be a push to spend federal dollars on technology to thwart terrorists.
While this might oversimplify a story of mismatched interests, values, and capabilities, I think as far as 20, 000-foot view summaries go, it hits the nail on the head.
Laura Seay, that blog's author and an assistant political science professor at Morehouse College, writes that advocates sometimes oversimplify issues or make them too sexy with the help of celebrities and flashy campaigns.
One can easily overcomplicated this disease or oversimplify it (in the case of the amyloid hypothesis), but there is often one causal factor (bacteria, virus, peroxynitrite, etc.) that explains the great majority of diseases and once you identify that factor and how to neutralize it, then you can successfully treat the disease.
FORBES: The Lessons Of Failure: What We Can Learn From Bapineuzumab's Blowup
We eagerly romp with him through the follies of confirmation bias (our tendency to reaffirm our beliefs rather than contradict them), narrative fallacy (our weakness for compelling stories), silent evidence (our failure to account for what we don't see), ludic fallacy (our willingness to oversimplify and take games or models too seriously), and epistemic arrogance (our habit of overestimating our knowledge and underestimating our ignorance).