When a Morgan Stanley (nyse: MS - news - people ) analyst recently began agitating for change at the New York Times Co. (nyse: NYT - news - people ), Chairman Arthur Sulzberger Jr. defended his family's supervoting power by claiming the nation's three preeminent newspapers--the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post (nyse: WPO - news - people )--owe their journalistic greatness to control by families like his.
Elsewhere, "Adigbedoto" by Gnonnas Pedro glides on reverb-sozzled guitars that seem to owe as much to the Peruvian pop-rock style known as chicha as it does to any Beninese tradition.
And I -- I do owe my -- what I have now to Ford because it was what was bread and butter for my family.
WHITEHOUSE: "White House to Main Street" Town Hall: Elyria, OH
My belief is that if you're staying at a four-star hotel while otherwise living a one- or two-star existence, you owe it to your children to invite them over to partake of your good fortune.
Trade unions and taxi-drivers, who owe their licences to the Fatah-dominated intelligence services, declared a general strike and closed roads, paralysing city centres.
That said, if you are going to say it is worth the trade-off, you really owe it to the reader to also address the negative ramifications of single-payer.
Everything I have - my career, my success, my family - I owe to America.
BBC: NEWS | Americas | Full text: Arnold Schwarzenegger's speech
Aside from the fact that the leaders from Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan - who owe their power and freedom to the sacrifices of the US military - participated in the conference, the most notable aspect of the event is that it took place under the UN flag.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Unmasking the "International Community"
The reform will reduce the risk that institutions that wrote these derivative contracts - like Lehman Brothers or AIG - fail to pay out the amount they owe when they go bust.
While most of the ladies on the list owe their fame to on-screen or on-stage personas, many have built their fortunes through smart brand extension.
But instead of pairing that vocal style with the musical bombast of that era, School of Seven Bells creates backing tracks that owe more to Cocteau Twins-style atmospherics and shoegazer drones.
Because pre-tax contributions reduce the amount of income tax you owe each year, you can afford to contribute more pre-tax than Roth.
FORBES: Why the Pre-Tax v. Roth Decision is More Complex Than It Seems
John Coplans, on the other hand, chose Type 55 film (which yields a black-and-white positive and negative) in the 1980s to record his own stolid nude body in interlocking blocks of hairy flesh, self-portraits that owe something to Henry Moore and Philip Guston.
WSJ: The Polaroid SX-70 as Sexy Tech | Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center | By Richard B. Woodward
You see, this is one of those challenges, and one of those moments, when we have to remember what unites us as Americans, what we can achieve together -- and what we owe to each other, especially to those who serve and sacrifice so we can live free and be safe.
And those soldiers went on to have families -- children and grandchildren who also owe their lives to Alpha Troop.
The crisis of confidence in the ability of eurozone countries with huge borrowings to repay all they owe has already deteriorated into a banking crisis - whose most serious manifestation to date has been talks to rescue the big Franco-Belgian bank Dexia.
To take Mr Golding himself, the high-keyed colours of his work owe a lot to his youth in sunny Mexico.
Others feel these multi-millionaires owe a debt to their people and need to be more socially conscious.
But as I keep saying, that old man down in Croydon, can rebuild his furniture shop, so can we - and we owe it to the workforce.
Profits owe their V-shape in great part to employment's L-shape.
For if the drive against poverty is to succeed, it will owe more to such ideas and their wider use than to targets set at UN-sponsored summits.
The root of the word duty is the Latin verb "debere" - "to owe", or "to have to".
The Democrats owe their majority in large part to war-weariness.
And we owe it to every single one of them -- we have a moral obligation to all of them -- to build a future worthy of their sacrifice.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s Press Conference with Prime Minister Maliki | The White House
And my determination to achieve this goal is only heightened when I see reports of massive profits and obscene bonuses at some of the very firms who owe their continued existence to the American people -- folks who have not been made whole, and who continue to face real hardship in this recession.
WHITEHOUSE: The President Proposes Financial Crisis Responsibility Fee | The White House
How much does the present-day global liquidity glut owe to rising global prosperity and savings?
Ms Mnouchkine's ability to surprise and to mark her productions with her particular style owe much to her continuing exploration of the performing arts the world over and her eagerness to blend widely-differing inspirations into a harmonious whole.
"We owe it to the communities who rely on our hard-working police officers for their safety to get this right, " he said.
In public, Miyamoto often strikes a lighthearted crouching pose, a proto-Wii stance that seems to owe a little to the gunslingers of the first video game he ever played, Western Gun, and a little to Yosemite Sam.