But in places like Pinto, the problems of peasant farmers owe much to politics.
Argentina's difficulties now owe much to Mr Menem's failure to reform public spending.
The savings owe much to lower staffing costs, and economies of scale.
They point out that unlike the sons of big business clans, newcomers did not inherit their fortunes nor did their rise owe much to government help.
Today's talking and touching therapies for couple's sexual problems are largely based on her ideas, just as the development of Viagra and its ilk owe much to the physiological research of Masters.
Ms Mnouchkine's ability to surprise and to mark her productions with her particular style owe much to her continuing exploration of the performing arts the world over and her eagerness to blend widely-differing inspirations into a harmonious whole.
He allows his sitters to select the backdrop for their picture and, although these exuberant canvases of dream homes, high-tech living rooms and gleaming cityscapes owe much to the conventions of African sign painters and folk artists, they talk of the aspirations of modern Ghanaians.
Elsewhere, "Adigbedoto" by Gnonnas Pedro glides on reverb-sozzled guitars that seem to owe as much to the Peruvian pop-rock style known as chicha as it does to any Beninese tradition.
But if the blunt instrument of bombing succeeds in this, it will owe as much to luck as to precision.
Meanwhile the erosion continues, and the villages downstream suffer from floods which owe as much to the hand of man as to nature.
Parts of Iran's constitution owe as much to France as to Islamic law, and older Iranian aristocrats speak French as comfortably as they do Persian.
Even if the US government were in surplus, we would owe as much to China because our debt to them is simply the difference between how much we exported to them and how much we imported from them.
The more dangerous second idea is the notion that America's rich owe their wealth entirely to their own brilliance, when in fact they also owe much of it to the system that allows and encourages great wealth to be created.
Consumers like Victoria Cambrice enter the amount of money they want to borrow, how much money they owe to creditors and the loan terms they want.
Claritin may owe much of its success to the marketing prowess Kogan honed while hawking peanuts at Yankee Stadium in his youth.
It was a reminder of who I am, how lucky I am, and how much I owe to the good of others.
FORBES: In Response To 'New York City After Hurricane Sandy'
Though the plaudits have almost exclusively been for the players, the Czechs owe much of their success to the tactical acumen of their coach.
Once there has been a final determination of how much tax you owe, there is an entirely different system to determine how much you can actually afford to pay.
FORBES: Fantasy Gravel Mining and Other Fun From the Tax Court
But it may be possible to avoid deterring too many by ensuring that students understand that, however much they owe, they will never have to hand over more than a certain share of their monthly pay cheque.
And anyway, there's always fun to be had laughing at the bus conductors as they try to work out how much their 750, 000 Zimbabwe dollar notes add up to, and how much change they owe the passengers.
Or will you teach them about how we owe much of the wealth we have today to past generations willingness to engage in trade rather than trying to maximize short term job protection?
FORBES: How Can You Protect An Entire Economy From Competition?
Later, it will determine how much oil actually leaked, which will lead to the calculation of how much the oil companies owe in civil fines.
Attorneys will also likely square off over how much oil gushed into the gulf, another key figure that will be used to calculate how much money BP might owe.
How much does the present-day global liquidity glut owe to rising global prosperity and savings?
Several websites, including Mint.com and LearnVest.com, aim to help users figure out how much they owe and track their debt over time.
When you owe another country that much debt, it may not be so easy to act tough.
Calculate how much estimated tax you owe for 2006 without knowing what is going to become of the alternative minimum tax.