"Alex Maskey made it into a political football for his own ends, " he said.
Each accused the other of using the war against Mr Kabila for his own ends.
"Some people are trying to use it in the wrong way for their own ends, " he says.
They are pursued across the galaxy by a mysterious organization which wants the artifact for its own ends.
Each side alleges that paramilitary leaders on the other side have been orchestrating the tension for their own ends.
In many countries it is still individuals who push diplomacy online, often for their own ends rather than for government work.
ECONOMIST: Foreign ministries are getting the hang of social media
In the regions things are even worse: many publications are loss-making arms of other businesses whose owners may use them for their own ends.
The more likely fly in the ointment may be attempts by the two right-wing parties to make use of the affair for their own ends.
This is a man whose vast body of work is the direct result of absorbing untold global cultural influences and subverting them to his own ends.
It is just that, as Eve learned the hard way, the devil beguiles and deceives through third-party innocents, whom he manipulates and uses to his own ends.
FORBES: Herman Cain's Tax Plan Is a Winner, But Here's Your Exploding Cigar
By pursuing their own ends they have reduced the amount of grain that will be fed to animals and increased the amount that can be fed to humans.
FORBES: The Coming Bacon Famine And The Glory Of Speculation In Food
When we blog about politics, we often talk about how politicians use and misuse language to their own ends, as in Bagehot here, or Charlemagne here.
But the thousands of years of hybridizing plants and animals by humans has, if anything, psychologically and economically predisposed our kind to tampering with nature for our own ends.
My reputation has been traduced based on nothing more than biased allegations which the media has been using for its own ends whilst conveniently overlooking any evidence to the contrary.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | In full: Dr Chai Patel's letter
He accused local politicians of exacerbating the long-standing rivalries for their own ends and also asked why UN peacekeepers and the army were protecting government buildings in Pibor, rather than people.
Another American group that has adapted black metal to its own ends is Wolves in the Throne Room, led by two brothers, the drummer Aaron Weaver and the guitarist Nathan Weaver, from Olympia, Washington.
And to a surprising degree, it is women -- not men -- who are perpetuating the culture, especially in school, cannily manipulating it to make space for their success, always keeping their own ends in mind.
Microsoft made the announcement about the code sharing on a blog and said it had taken the step to help those that wanted to use Kinect for their own ends and to help improve the control software.
BBC: Microsoft shares code for Kinect for Windows game gadget
But if, within our own species, we don't regard differences in intelligence, reasoning ability, or self-awareness as grounds for permitting us to exploit the being with lower capacities for our own ends, how can we point to the same characteristics to justify exploiting members of other species?
Authenticity is not a skill that we can manipulate for our own selfish ends.
FORBES: Notre Dame's Manti Te'o: The 5 Steps to Authentic Leadership
Christian leaders suspect that Walid Jumblatt, the Druze leader, is working the Lebanese crowd and world opinion for his own political ends.
This has already proved politically contentious in Wales with opposition parties accusing the Labour Government of gerrymandering and acting for its own political ends.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Politics Show | Wales: Assembly powers
Politicians routinely exploited fears of crime for their own electoral ends.
At the same time, he has a couple of acquaintances (Carrie-Anne Moss and Joe Pantoliano) who seem eager both to support Leonard and to use his condition for their own unscrupulous ends.
But instead of leaving the parties to talk on their own after the conference ends, as Mr Bush did after Madrid, America must ride herd, providing reassurance and exerting pressure on both sides as required.
It is nothing more than banker-speak in service of their own means to their profitable ends.
Yet, perhaps because he is so clearly ill at ease, he ends up undermining his own efforts.
Japanese doctors also make ends meet by filling their own prescriptions, pocketing a markup.