In Shanghai, for example, authorities only allow families to own up to two residences.
WSJ: In Shanghai, High Prices Keep Lid on Real-Estate Stimulus
The government now allows foreign companies to own up to 49% of a local airline.
The more responsible publications will, after a bad year, own up to their performance.
Rather than own up to it, our customer insisted that we had sold him a defective tube.
Let's own up to a few more mistakes first, before explaining why we will carry on making forecasts.
Police there may be reluctant to do so as intelligence operatives rarely own up to undercover operations publicly.
The best thing to do after a social media disaster is to recognize and own up to it.
FORBES: Social Media Idiocy of the Day: How I Got Forbes Featured On Buzzfeed
India lifted the prohibition partially last September, allowing foreign retailers to own up to 51% stakes in domestic supermarkets.
To rub salt into the wound, Jordan to this day refuses to own up to his piece of trickery.
Some public figures find it easier than others to own up to errors.
Under the scheme, longstanding investors and account holders can own up to tax they owe, and pay a discounted penalty.
Cross-media ownership is permitted within limits - press groups may own up to 25% of local radio and TV stations.
In last September, India lifted the ban partially, allowing foreign retailers to own up to 51% stakes in local supermarkets.
If you choose to defend your home or play aggressively, own up to your intentions, apologize when you go too far.
So it would be a considerable about-face for Mr Hussein subsequently to own up to what America claims has been going on.
We've done all that, but parents still need to parent. (Applause.) Kids still need to own up to their responsibilities.
Orrin Hatch, the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee but again does not own up to the scrutiny conservatives were placed under.
India's aviation industry was opened to foreign investors in September last year, allowing overseas companies to own up to 49% of local airlines.
Finding a zombie company prepared to own up to its status is not easy, but I finally tracked one down in East London.
Until we own up to our individual and collective responsibility for the unending thirst for this resource, we will continuously face similar crises.
CNN: Opinion: We can help to save our seas but we must act now
In other words, IT may not own the devices and apps their users are using, but they must own and own up to identity.
FORBES: Identity: the Intersection of Cloud, Mobile and Social
Nor did Mr Darling have to own up to yet another deterioration in the borrowing numbers, which was just as well given how terrible they are.
Under Malaysian regulations, foreign equity ownership in insurance companies, investment banks and Islamic lenders is capped at 70%, while non-Malaysians can own up to 30% in conventional banks.
The cabinet of the Congress party-led coalition agreed last week to allow foreign multibrand retailers to own up to 51% of joint ventures and open supermarkets in India.
And the A has similar overtones of the Cyrillic script which may be more what people are willing to own up to but unlikely to gain many converts.
Own up to the issues all cyclist face regarding doping.
FORBES: Lance Armstrong: It's Time To LIVESTRONG And Conquer Doping
Keenest to ensure that the banks own up to their past sins are Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the housing agencies that bought or guaranteed many of the loans.
Ministers, business leaders and economists have been forced to own up to error by the sheer scale of the economic crash and the undeniable inexcusability of certain expense claims.