The main point of the proposed legislation is that a tenant's right under an ultra-long lease is akin to a right of ownership and so it would provide for such a right to be automatically converted to a right of ownership on an appointed day, with compensation for the former landlord.
As the New York Times reports Monday, there was an expectation at first that Romney might return to active management of Bain so he did not sever his ownership ties right away -- an additional reason why his name was not struck from documents for a while.
The right of ownership is a principle in democracy, the right of speech is a principle in democracy, and this is my land.
This raises serious ethical questions about data ownership and our right to access our own health information.
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The houses have long been signed over to the council and a housing association, and many have been sold into private ownership through the right-to-buy scheme.
The mussel scalps belonged to the Crown up until 1612, when ownership and the right to fish for them was bequeathed to the royal burgh in perpetuity by James VI of Scotland.
For us, expanding opportunity means not the backward-looking plans of Labour's Deputy Leadership candidates - who only see a future for more state-owned and run housing - but helping young people onto the housing ladder through a massive extension of shared ownership and the right to buy.
Such a transaction involves a transfer of the right of ownership of the copy .
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Resale is a fundamental right of ownership of physical products, so why should it be different with digital products?
Swans are protected birds and the Crown retains the right to ownership of all unmarked mute swans in open water.
Once Vikings coach Brad Childress made the unilateral decision to release Randy Moss without consulting anyone in the front office, he was a dead man walking, with ownership looking for the right time to push him off the plank.
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The main point of the proposed legislation is that a tenant's right under an ultra-long lease - one that's been registered for over 175 years with more than a 100 years left to run - is akin to a right of ownership.
In other words, the first and most precious property right is your ownership of your own body.
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There is no natural right to the ownership of an idea or a way of doing something.
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The American Pet Products Association reports pet ownership has continued to grow right through the downturn.
Traditionally, courts have characterized these payments as royalties because the person has an ownership interest in that valuable right.
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But promises by all the candidates to protect the fundamental right to gun ownership won't impress the gun lobby.
Federal law makes it abundantly clear that the ownership of copyright means the right to market, distribute and so forth.
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It'll actually be 10 rental units that we're going to set aside for our older musicians that, you know, for whom home ownership is not necessarily the right answer at their time in life.
And although gun control advocates typically associate the right to firearms ownership with hunting and recreational uses only, the Rasmussen poll found that even 54% of Democrats agree with 75% of Republicans and 68% of those unaffiliated with either major party that the right to own a gun is to ensure such freedom.
As it turns out, the company claims no ownership -- it says so right in the terms of service.
According to the deal, Alibaba will have the right to increase its ownership in Weibo to 30% at a mutually agreed valuation "within a certain period of time in the future".
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After both bombed, ownership decided that O'Dowd was right in stressing that the hitter-friendly mile-high market was best suited for building a pitching staff from within.
The NRA, which is the public face of the powerful gun lobby, opposes many government limits on gun ownership as a violation of the constitutional right to bear arms.
At the same time, those who view relatively unlimited gun ownership as an essential and non-assailable right granted to us all in the Bill of Rights must begin to better understand and appreciate why anti-gun advocates simply cannot see the sense and logic behind making combat style weapons and high capacity magazine clips available to civilian purchasers.
His vision of an Ownership Society is based on entrepreneurial values and is right for these times.
By taking ownership of their own medical care, asking the right questions and making sure their doctors have the information they need to make the correct decisions.
Right into the deep end of business ownership.
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Beyond our own efforts to set the right example, we can also develop ownership in our employees by giving them a positive work environment, opportunities for personal and professional growth and regular and direct feedback.
The Alliance Party's Stephen Farry said the figures for the destruction of dogs were much higher in Northern Ireland than in other parts of the UK. He added that dog ownership should be seen as a privilege rather than a right.