It also ranked second-worst, behind Los Angeles, for smog levels, known formally as ozone pollution.
The Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer safeguards human health and the environment.
Natural gas vehicles emit up to 90 percent fewer ozone-depleting gases than gasoline-powered cars.
And there are other technologies that potentially could be used to reduce ozone further.
The ALA analyzed the data based on ozone pollution, short-term particle pollution and year-round particle pollution.
Ozone from air pollutants may increase the risk of preeclampsia, a potentially dangerous pregnancy condition.
Scientists think they have identified one key reason why ground-level ozone remains stubbornly high in Europe.
Despite some success, like acid rain and ozone protection, environmental issues continue to afflict us.
Last year the company introduced an ozone generator to be attached to refrigerated shipping containers.
Changes in the amount of ultraviolet radiation from the Sun affect the ozone layer.
The ozone layer protects living things on the Earth's surface from the Sun's ultra-violet radiation.
Central to their thinking was that EPA is to reconsider ozone standards again in 2013.
Ozone is a protective atmospheric layer found at an altitude of about 25 kilometers (15.5 miles).
Many old fridges contain chemicals called Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) which damage the Earth's ozone layer.
CFCs are banned under the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.
The thinning of the ozone layer presented risks that were widely accepted: people fear skin cancer.
In fact, ozone levels have declined even as production has dramatically increased in the Barnett shale.
So there's - the bad ozone is what's being affected here by both gasoline and ethanol vehicles.
Ozone pollution has adverse effects on health as well, but is not as dangerous in the short-term.
This confirms a hypothesis from the Hubble Space Telescope, which detected signs of ozone around that Moon.
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Mr. Obama personally said he would jettison the EPA rule that would have reduced smog-forming ozone levels.
He supported research into saving the ozone layer and was interested in communication with other possible worlds.
"The more you look at ozone the more you understand that it is a global pollutant, " he said.
The Montreal protocol, which banned various ozone-depleting chemicals, has left the ozone layer's long-term prospects looking quite bonny.
Freon itself is a global-warming gas (and ozone wrecker) that is slated to be outlawed worldwide by 2040.
A. moved to reduce surface ozone, a form of pollution caused, in part, by emissions from oil refineries.
The system uses plasma to briefly turn oxygen inside sealed packaging into ozone in order to sterilise food.
Ozone aggravates asthma and can irritate anyone's upper respiratory system, especially when it interacts with common household cleaners.
Ozone is a version of oxygen with three atoms per molecule, whereas normal, everyday oxygen has only two.
During last year's heatwave, during which there were 800 extra deaths across Britain, levels of ozone and particles soared.