But packing up and selling three generations of our family's leavings felt like betrayal.
When I die, I want the people packing up my belongings to find my collection of old T-shirts.
Packing up to go home, a couple people began to check their phones for missed calls and messages.
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Attentiveness had become a habit with me, and, besides, I was not yet capable of packing up the office.
Have a routine for preparing for your day in the morning, and packing up to go home at night.
But packing up that old 401(k) is at least as important as removing personal items from your old desk.
With all of their work complete, the Atlantis crew will start packing up for the undocking and the trip home.
His wife was at home Thursday, packing up their belongings, including important documents, family photos, clothes and toys, he said from work.
"My brother said it in one sentence as he came out of the capsule, " she tells me, as she's packing up her belongings.
At her lowest moments, she considered taking what money was left from the initial investment, paying severance to her five employees and packing up.
In such cases, wait time, if any, would be short because customers have already done the time-consuming chore of scanning and packing up groceries.
As Asian economies flourish while Western economies flounder, bankers and fund managers have been packing up and moving to Asia from New York and London.
The Senators want to use the move to keep the FAA measure alive even as members of Congress are packing up their bags to leave town.
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Every year more and more women are packing up their corporate offices and heading for a life that gives them more control with no glass ceilings.
But smaller firms that make up the backbone of Germany's famous Mittelstand have also been packing up and moving abroad, especially into lower-cost and more flexible countries to Germany's east.
They are packing up more than 19, 000 historic pottery moulds and cases to be moved from the factory to part of the old Spode pottery site in Stoke town centre.
BBC: 'Aladdin's cave' of Middleport pottery moulds being moved
On film, the trips have a regular rhythm: The boarders begin with fresh-faced excitement, packing up their snacks, camp stoves and tents into elaborate parcels, which they drag uphill on sleds.
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Factory towns decimated from years of plants packing up.
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It was a Monday, and the cafeteria was filled with kids, some eating breakfast, some waiting for buses to drive them to programs at other schools, some packing up for gym class.
But every time a young Afghan loses his or her job because a Western company tied to America's presence here is packing up, the dependency is felt in a more profound way.
CNN: Obama, Romney: Ignore Afghanistan war at your own peril
We probably shouldn't have been surprised when David Cope excitedly asked us if we'd like to see his new iPad app, as we began packing up our shoot for a forthcoming Engadget Show episode.
The packing up of equipment and supplies, taking down of tents, getting our personal gear in order went swiftly and smoothly by this time, since we had done it over and over till it was routine.
And let us be honest - tonight too many parents, after they put their children to bed, will speak of their worries about losing their jobs or the need to sell the house too many will share stones of friends or neighbours already packing up their homes, and too many will talk of a local store or business that has already gone to the wall.
"I couldn't possible bring myself to even think about packing their things up, " he says.
They both went in a great hurry, and when they were gone the house seemed dreadfully quiet and empty, and the children wandered from one room to another and looked at the bits of paper and string on the floors left over from the packing, and not yet cleared up, and wished they had something to do.
They looked at 65 workers who were performing the core work of the warehouse, picking up customer orders, gathering together the goods, packing them onto a hand truck and moving it to the area where the products could be picked up.
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In a third shed, three dread-locked dudes were in a parachute-packing frenzy, folding silk and winding up cords.