One area of interest to the scientists is the way that paediatric cancer discriminates by race and gender.
Temporary changes to maternity and paediatric services in East Sussex are to take effect from Tuesday.
It will be the most comprehensively researched paediatric medicines information source in the world.
There are over 3, 000 paediatric consultants in the UK but only 165 are research leaders.
One paediatric nurse, who asked not to be named, said staff were devastated for their patients.
Following Luke's operation he was moved from the paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) on 31 March.
Dr Elaine Hicks of the paediatric unit said she hoped the situation could soon return to normal.
Almost 15, 000 people have so far signed petitions in support of the Royal Brompton's paediatric heart services.
The first phase of the project included two 25-bed medical wards and one 16-bed paediatric cancer ward.
Professor Peter Hindmarsh, paediatric endocrinologist at London's Great Ormond Street Hospital said the poem should be widely disseminated.
The changes were proposed after a national clinical advisory team report indicated the Friarage's paediatric unit was unsustainable.
Ann Oboko, Paediatric Diabetes Outreach Sister at Guys and St Thomas' Hospital, said it would prove "extremely useful".
Meanwhile, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde has nearly doubled the number of paediatric patients using pump therapy in 2011.
Eastbourne hospital would have a stand-alone midwifery-led maternity unit and enhanced paediatric care.
They also highlighted inadequate arrangements to treat children, with few specialist paediatric staff.
Dr Phil Darbyshire, a consultant paediatric haematologist at Birmingham's Children's Hospital, said the findings echoed anecdotal evidence from patients.
She helps to support the families of very sick children in paediatric intensive care at St George's Hospital in London.
The Children's Air Ambulance Service helicopter, based at Coventry Airport, will initially be used to transport specialist paediatric medical staff.
Paediatric care at Northallerton's Friarage Hospital could be moved to James Cook University Hospital, 22 miles (35km) away, in Middlesbrough.
The recommendations come after a national clinical advisory team report published in January said the Friarage's paediatric unit was unsustainable.
The team led by paediatric expert Esmeralda Morales from the University of Arizona in Tucson followed 486 children from birth.
And before testing any new formulation on children, paediatric specialists have to make very hard judgments about the benefits and risks.
Topics that will be covered include guidance on calculating paediatric doses and identifying and reporting adverse reactions to medicines in children.
Less than one in 10 NHS paediatric consultants has identified time for research, in contrast to one in four adult physicians.
Dr Judith Kingston, paediatric oncologist at Great Ormond Street Hospital said they were now trying the treatment in other brain tumours.
Mrs McGrath said it was established practice in the paediatric ward of Altnagelvin to only to use a fluid called Solution 18.
Hundreds of people have taken part in a rally against the possible closure of the paediatric department at a North Yorkshire hospital.
The changes are being made after a national clinical advisory team report published in January said the Friarage's paediatric unit was unsustainable.
Horton General Hospital in Banbury was told it would lose its paediatric, maternity and gynaecology services, which would be moving to Oxford.
It uses pattern recognition software to search for information in paediatric textbooks.