Dr Kim Holt, a senior community paediatrician, talked recently to me at the King's Fund charity.
But in 1998 Manuel Velasco, a local paediatrician, noticed a pattern among his patients.
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In the study, one on-call paediatrician was questioned in every hospital providing acute in-patient care for children.
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The lawyer claimed "Harris lines" were something a paediatrician would not take account of in day-to-day practice.
Part of the case against her was based on the evidence of retired paediatrician, Professor Sir Roy Meadow.
Dr Toni Wolff, a paediatrician at Nottingham City Hospital, helped diagnose Mia and said research was desperately needed.
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The paediatrician and psychoanalyst didn't believe in setting regimes or even giving instructions.
Prof Adam Finn, a paediatrician and vaccine expert from Bristol Children's Hospital has treated many babies with whooping cough.
We spoke to a paediatrician specialising in childhood obesity who treats primary school children with heart problems and diabetes.
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Dr Sammons, a paediatrician from Massachusetts in the US, said people living near the recycling plants could be at risk.
Consultant paediatrician Sabah Al-Zayyat is accused of failing to spot that he was suffering abuse two days before his death.
Obstetrician David Beynon and paediatrician Karyn Maltby, who work at Frimley Park Hospital in Surrey, were made Lieutenants of the Royal Victorian Order.
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Mr Targowski also told the court that a consultant paediatrician at Yorkhill hospital in Glasgow claimed that these lines were found in healthy children.
The paediatrician also testified at the trials of Angela Cannings and Donna Anthony, both freed on appeal after being convicted of murdering their children.
The last 24 hours for paediatrician Rosalyn Proops are pretty typical.
In 2006 Dr Kim Holt, a consultant paediatrician, raised concerns at staffing levels and expertise at the St Ann's community paediatric unit in Haringey, north London.
"It is not so much about getting married but about having the right to get married, " Ms Cestino, a paediatrician, told the Associated Press news agency.
On Wednesday, Dr Brian McCord, consultant paediatrician at Altnagelvin told the inquiry he was called into the hospital on 9 June 2001 and oversaw the child's case.
The Seminar, organized by UNESCO and the Permanent Delegation of Poland, will discuss the legacy of Janusz Korczak (Polish paediatrician, writer and a pioneer of children's rights).
Alun Elias-Jones, consultant paediatrician and member of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, said doctors had a duty to consider the long-term consequences of fertility treatment.
The consultant paediatrician told BBC Breakfast that the hospital saw about one severe case a month of rickets - softening of bones through lack of vitamin D in childhood.
The paediatrician has been joined in raising his concerns to the Welsh Assembly's health committee chairperson Kirsty Williams by Dr Cathy White, a consultant paediatric neurologist, and Dr Geraint Morris.
It has drawn up a manifesto for change:A paediatrician should visit each family within 24 hours of the death to take a complete medical history and offer initial support to the family.
Professor Stephen Tomlinson, 62, who stepped down as provost and deputy vice-chancellor of Cardiff University last summer, is also recognised with an OBE for services to medicine, as is leading paediatrician Professor Jo Sibert.
Dr Jacob Puliyel, a paediatrician in Delhi, wrote in the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics last year that "the polio eradication programme epitomises nearly everything that is wrong with donor-funded 'disease specific' vertical projects, at the cost of investments in community-oriented primary care".
High profile court cases such as that of Professor Sir Roy Meadow, the paediatrician who was struck off after giving flawed evidence at Sally Clark's 1999 trial for the murder of her sons, may have added to medics' anxieties, say the study authors.
Dr William Van't Hoff, a consultant paediatrician and a spokesman for the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, says this is an important, well constructed study that demonstrates "a high and unacceptable rate of adverse events" associated with the use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).
All the professionals who were involved with the family or the baby, including the GP, paediatrician, health visitor and pathologist - should meet and review all available information in order to learn as much as possible about why that baby died and plan future support for the family.