The knife--originally knapped stone--has been the partner of the needle since the Paleolithic era.
FORBES: Magazine Article
The art of storytelling has been around since the beginning of time, from the Lascaux Paleolithic cave paintings through Homer and Shakespeare.
BBC: New York stories
The Paleolithic diet, the researchers say, was probably better than what we eat today, but it was still not 100% protective.
FORBES: What The Hardened Arteries Of Ancient Mummies Mean For Picking A Diet
Then he found out about Paleolithic cave art, and became determined to find a Bavarian cave with paintings as old and remarkable as the ones in France.
NEWYORKER: The Sanctuary
How Paleolithic to still feel wounded by any of it.
NEWYORKER: Stone Mattress
He eats like a Paleolithic hunter-gatherer and exercises daily.
NEWYORKER: The Operator
Presented by the Manhattan-based start-up VisualArtsTV, WiredArts is billed as the first live-streamed performing-arts festival a claim that's bound to be disputed by some graduate student somewhere researching the paleolithic era of Internet history.
WSJ: Culture City: The Arts Festival You Can Watch on Your Couch
Moving from the Paleolithic age to the present, Karen Armstrong details the great lengths to which humankind has gone in order to experience a sacred reality that it called by many names, such as God, Brahman, Nirvana, Allah, or Dao.
FORBES: The Weekly E-Book Reading List
The site comprises more than sixty multi-ton T-shaped limestone pillars, most of them engraved with bas-reliefs of dangerous animals: not the docile, edible bison and deer featured in Paleolithic cave paintings but ominous configurations of lions, foxes, boars, vultures, scorpions, spiders, and snakes.
NEWYORKER: The Sanctuary