• The knife--originally knapped stone--has been the partner of the needle since the Paleolithic era.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The art of storytelling has been around since the beginning of time, from the Lascaux Paleolithic cave paintings through Homer and Shakespeare.

    BBC: New York stories

  • The Paleolithic diet, the researchers say, was probably better than what we eat today, but it was still not 100% protective.

    FORBES: What The Hardened Arteries Of Ancient Mummies Mean For Picking A Diet

  • Then he found out about Paleolithic cave art, and became determined to find a Bavarian cave with paintings as old and remarkable as the ones in France.

    NEWYORKER: The Sanctuary

  • How Paleolithic to still feel wounded by any of it.

    NEWYORKER: Stone Mattress

  • He eats like a Paleolithic hunter-gatherer and exercises daily.

    NEWYORKER: The Operator

  • Presented by the Manhattan-based start-up VisualArtsTV, WiredArts is billed as the first live-streamed performing-arts festival a claim that's bound to be disputed by some graduate student somewhere researching the paleolithic era of Internet history.

    WSJ: Culture City: The Arts Festival You Can Watch on Your Couch

  • Moving from the Paleolithic age to the present, Karen Armstrong details the great lengths to which humankind has gone in order to experience a sacred reality that it called by many names, such as God, Brahman, Nirvana, Allah, or Dao.

    FORBES: The Weekly E-Book Reading List

  • The site comprises more than sixty multi-ton T-shaped limestone pillars, most of them engraved with bas-reliefs of dangerous animals: not the docile, edible bison and deer featured in Paleolithic cave paintings but ominous configurations of lions, foxes, boars, vultures, scorpions, spiders, and snakes.

    NEWYORKER: The Sanctuary

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