Invitations to Christie's private auctions in Dalton's Print Rooms in fashionable Pall Mall were highly coveted.
She also hosted a lunch for Commonwealth leaders at Marlborough House on Pall Mall.
The problem is that this particular borrowing in its comic-book context casts an emotional pall.
But in the 2010-2011 timeframe, Pall moved their internal database to a new one.
Dr. Fotouhi is responsible for global sustainability, and Safety and Environmental Engineering Programs at Pall.
According to correspondence at the DEQ, Pall was using USEPA Method 1624.
Fotouhi is listed in that documentation, so Pall was already informed about the database issues.
In Monday trading, Pall Corp. shares are currently down about 0.1% on the day.
We continue to believe that Pall has a strong balance sheet with a manageable debt load.
Here "Captain Shandon, " editor of the Pall Mall Gazette, is simply an uxorious drunk.
Critics worry that NAMA's pace has put a pall over the Irish property market.
In 1807, London's Pall Mall became the first street to be illuminated by gaslight.
Analysts generally think investors should stand pat on Pall, with five of nine analysts rating it hold.
If the appeal had failed, they insist, a pall would have been cast over all document-retention policies.
ECONOMIST: Better late than never? Tell that to Arthur Andersen
Soon there was a thick black pall of smoke hanging low over the apartment blocks and minarets.
Two brothers who fought in the conflict will be among the pall bearers.
The state's azure skies have been lost under a yellow pall, and temperatures have dropped to an unseasonable low.
Bad data on AstraZeneca's Iressa casts a pall over OSI's own development effort.
For years, Pall was providing excerpts from its sampling database to the DEQ.
Mr. Keselowski said the incident could cast a pall on Sunday's Daytona 500.
Every so often I try to contact Pall about the dioxane clean-up efforts.
But the botched conclusion casts a bit of a pall over the reckless fun that the movie has given us.
But his rhetorical tropes can begin to pall, particularly in a campaign that has already gone on for 18 months.
For Pinellas Park, Flordia they talk about Methyl Isobutyl Ketone concentrations but Pall neglects to mention dioxane for Ann Arbor.
The Welsh Guards also played a prominent role in the funeral with two members commanding the pall bearers at the procession.
"I still feel secure, " said Ali, the mosque president, though he knows a pall has been cast by all the attacks.
Social Democrat leader Arni Pall Arnason, while disappointed, refused to acknowledge that the two centre-right parties had been given a major vote of confidence.
Today's battles over abortion, abstinence and condoms are casting a pall over the field, and complicating what is already a formidable task.
Rising interest rates, or at least the threat of them both in American and in many emerging countries, have cast a pall.
They are brothers, and so Pall is linked to Wayne State personally.