But at Lockerbie only Pan Am and its security contractor were held to blame by civil courts.
Pan Am flight 103 was en route from London's Heathrow Airport to New York's JFK carrying 259 people.
But most recently Guilford has repainted 260 boxcars, which haul paper and chemicals, with Pan Am's familiar blue-and-white logo.
As a flight attendant for Pan Am in the seventies, being oppressed was the furthest thing from my mind.
It subsequently proved the prosecution claim that an unaccompanied bag went from Malta onto the Pan Am feeder flight.
In 1968, Ueltschi took his firm public and officially retired from Pan Am.
FORBES: Second-Oldest Forbes 400 Member, Albert Ueltschi, Has Passed Away
The international outcry over Scotland's release of the Libyan convicted of blowing up Pan Am Flight 103 is not letting up.
Bert Ammerman of New Jersey, whose brother Tommy was aboard Pan Am 103, said Sunday he was "pleased" at Megrahi's death.
Pan AM flight 103 blew up over Lockerbie in southern Scotland in 1988, an attack for which Libya eventually took responsibility.
At the time, on February 7, 1964, the Beatles were four young men heading across the Atlantic on Pan Am Flight 101.
Hey, Braniff was a superairline, but so were Pan Am and Continental.
FORBES: Braniff, Meister Brau: Can Once-Great Brands Make A Comeback?
On December 21, 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland.
He started the company in 1951 while still working at Pan Am.
FORBES: Second-Oldest Forbes 400 Member, Albert Ueltschi, Has Passed Away
But under the leadership of former Pan Am CEO Daniel Colussy, the company has undergone a revival and has been profitable since 2005.
Yes, we've come a long way since the days when piano bars on Pan Am planes brought glamour and romance to air travel.
ABC's newly launched Pan Am, about stewardesses working for Pan American Airways during the era, has also been compared to the AMC network's ratings hit.
The Libyan government is to make payments to the families of victims of the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988.
Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi is the only person to have been convicted in connection with the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Scotland in 1988.
Al-Megrahi is currently being held in Gateside Prison, Greenock, near Glasgow, as he serves life for killing 270 people in the 1988 Pan Am bombing.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Fresh protest over Lockerbie row
Pan Am is the right airline to use to convey the sweep of decades, because of what it was and because of what it, unfortunately, became.
If businesses don't evolve, they end up like Atari, Pan Am and Woolworth's, onetime industry leaders that crashed against the rocks of strategy, innovation and competition.
He was also a senior team leader at Lockerbie when a Pan Am jumbo jet, carrying 258 passengers, crashed on the Scottish Borders town in 1988.
Alan Alda's unctuous, unprincipled Owen Brewster, the senator who went after Hughes on Trippe's behalf when TWA tried to break Pan Am's stranglehold on international routes.
In 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing all 259 passengers and crew aboard in an attack that was later linked to Libya.
Nor will Libya's eventual agreement to have the alleged Lockerbie perpetrators tried in the Netherlands provide more than a symbolic closure to the Pan Am tragedy.
Naturally, besides owning this fabulous car, Cornelius Whitney managed to be a brilliantly productive man, both founding Pan Am Airlines and co-producing Gone with the Wind.
It may instead be auctioned off in parts, the airplanes and landing slots carted off and the corporation liquidated in the manner of Braniff, Pan Am and Eastern.
Robert Monetti, president of the US Victims of Pan Am 103 support group, said he believes it will not be long before Libya accepts responsibility for the bombing.
He's optimistic that Pan Am's name recognition overseas remains bankable.