The World Health Organisation has said that the UK is at the forefront of preparations internationally for a pandemic influenza.
The organisation also worries that limiting access to relevant findings would be difficult to square with its recently updated pandemic influenza preparedness framework.
In diseases for which there is no private vaccine market, such as pandemic influenza, or for which cases are concentrated in poor countries, such as malaria and tuberculosis, governments and public-private partnerships have stepped in to subsidize development.
The benefits of grounding planes to halt disease were unclear, but "flight limitations might slow the spread of pandemic influenza by several weeks, thereby providing time for mass vaccination of the population and contingency plan setup, " the researchers wrote.
Which is a small piece of good news for those charged with contemplating how to deal with an influenza pandemic.
Most of that money will go to the Health and Human Services Department to prepare for an influenza pandemic, such as an avian flu outbreak.
Hundreds of thousands of soldiers succumbed to the influenza pandemic.
Yet Chan reiterated the WHO's recommendation not to close borders or restrict trade in response to the outbreak, saying the world "is better prepared for an influenza pandemic than at any time" in history.
Then, as the new virus replicates it mutates further and, if luck is on its side, some of these mutations allow it to spread from human to human - a new influenza pandemic is born.
This was a second type of influenza: pandemic, rather than seasonal, flu.
During the pandemic, the H1N1 virus crowded out other influenza viruses to become the dominant virus.
The World Health Organization declared the virus, also known as the novel influenza A(H1N1), a global pandemic June 11.
Barry is the author of "The Great Influenza, " perhaps the signature history of the devastating 1918 pandemic.
"In all of pandemic planning it has been recognized for some time that cancellation of mass gatherings is not an effective way to control influenza, " Gustafson said.