The DUP's Sammy Wilson accused Alliance of "opening a Pandora's box".
BBC: Northern Ireland Assembly session over flag disturbances
Within that range, though, the Wii U magically streams hiccup-free gaming to both the GamePad's screen and an HDTV -- no small feat, and one that opens up a Pandora's box of ideas for both game developers and media providers.
"It leaves Pandora's Box wide open, " said Mike Moran, senior currency strategist at Standard Chartered.
Acknowledging his victory this week, Mr Karzai predicted that naming his ministers would be like opening Pandora's box.
ECONOMIST: Hamid Karzai must now put his electoral victory to good use
De Castries, a fan of Greek mythology, believes a Greek exit would be akin to opening a Pandora's box.
The emergency contacts (ICE) menu is proving to be a Pandora's Box of lock screen vulnerabilities on several Samsung Galaxy handsets.
Inside this Pandora's box there is no knowing what may be found.
Mr. Kasuri warned that the trial of Mr. Musharraf would open a "Pandora's box, " which would ensnare other senior military leaders who supported his actions.
Having opened this Pandora's box, it will have to confront, probably sooner rather than later, the muddle at the very heart of the British constitution.
Moreover, regulation of CO2 under the Clean Air Act would open a Pandora's box of enforcement questions, which would bring at least one certainty: lawsuits.
Clinton also warned that weapons from Libya have turned up in Algeria and elsewhere, adding that "this Pandora's Box if you will" represented a major security threat.
With the French intervention in Mali, he said "a Pandora's Box has been opened" -- and he believed oil fields in Libya were also at high risk of being attacked.