On the popular ABC debate programme QandA, a panellist observed that Julia Gillard wore unflattering jackets and had a "fat arse".
BBC: Australia: Year of the women
Miss Burne was picked as finalist for the mentor project and had to go to London to be interviewed by panellist including Rhodes.
BBC: Zandra Rhodes to mentor fashion designer Susan Burne
This year also saw Seaman launch a television career by becoming a panellist on the sports quiz show "They Think It's All Over".
BBC: Seaman quits football
Panellist Geoff Whitehead, who leads community safety at Pendle Council, said the scheme would take restorative justice techniques and use them in community settings.
BBC: Margaret Foxley
After Darwin: Contemporary Expressions at the Natural History Museum in London exhibits the work of artists and writers, including panellist Ruth Padel, inspired by another of Darwin's books.
BBC: Friday 11 September: Darwin special
David Martin , a British Labour MEP and fellow panellist, has taken over as rapporteur on the agreement, which entails steering the deal through tumultuous negotiations in the European Parliament, a task from which his predecessor, French Socialist MEP Kader Arif, recently resigned.
BBC: The Record: Europe
The new report also served as the basis of a well-attended workshop on Wednesday addressed by a renowned expert panel at the 2012 Internet Governance Forum Panellist Katitza Rodriguez, from the Electronic Frontier Foundation, pointed out how correlations of data could allow inferences about the religious views and sexual orientation of individuals, at a time in history when privacy was still an emerging right.