There were a number of major causes of the financial crisis and panic of 2008.
Driving fast and in a panic, I told him that I had left my son unattended.
The bearish headlines have gotten bolder, and the panic has gotten worse (notwithstanding the late-November rebound).
None of this will amount to a hill of beans except to swing sentiment and incite panic.
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is one of the principal culprits in the financial panic of 2008.
And earnings season is a time when you see panic-driven buying and selling on display.
And there were early moments of panic at the back as Aberdeen pushed forward.
Consumers enter full panic mode, increasing savings against the eventuality of a job loss.
The good news is that when the panic is over, preferred-stock prices tend to recover quickly.
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By the same token, during the panic and bust phase, people become overly pessimistic.
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The banking board is worried in case panic spreads to depositors at other Islamic financial institutions.
And the odds that the feds will panic in the U.S. or in Euroland, are increasing.
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Whether epic or merely annoying, when does the January panic begin to feed on itself?
But one fateful Sunday, a frantic pastry chef at the Tropicana Hotel called in a panic.
So there sits my panic button waiting to be pushed, its very existence easing my mind.
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In New England, the race is inducing full scale panic, from the bars to talk radio.
If it does the dollar part right, a panic should be a once-in-a-century occurrence.
People in panic and fear racing from the scene in clouds of dust and smoke.
In other words, the culture of viral panic is never just about the threat of contagion.
Or films like Panic in the Streets (1950), Omega Man (1971) and Outbreak (1995).
During the recent panic in Cyprus, the surging value of Bitcoin captured much media attention.
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The tumble was followed by a sense of panic that this would end my trip.
"We didn't panic and that's something we've done, but we didn't, " coach Doc Rivers said.
Nor are the amounts being talked about enough to remove the risk of panic.
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For a moment of panic, a daft notion, a stupid indulgence in bluster and bravado.
Banks are now in full panic mode, struggling to survive and avoiding making any loans.
Smith says that cognitive behavioral tricks can almost eliminate symptoms such as panic attacks.
His research has shown that people who experience panic attacks tend to suppress their emotions.
And if we don't get it early enough, we panic in case we never shall.
The thought of your operation- and the unknown- has you in panic with your mind racing.
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