It tells the Hanukkah story as a Zionist parable with a typical Guthriec(ph) little guy slant.
Five years ago it was an apocryphal story but I'm afraid today it's a parable.
Yeah, one game that comes to mind is a very strange mod, called The Stanley Parable.
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In his parable, prisoners are chained in a cave and only perceive the world as shadows on the wall.
The fact that an intervening century has replaced France and Germany with China and India seems an appropriate parable for our times.
It's a psychodrama with the epic scale of an Old Testament parable.
"A Message to Garcia" is a parable of heroic initiative and duty, very loosely based on events during the Spanish-American War of 1898.
There is something fundamental about the Once-ler and the ruin caused by his blinkered endeavor, something beyond a mere parable of environmental degradation.
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To Obama, the old order of securities created by contracts freely entered into is like the "house built on sand" in Jesus' parable.
That the gold turned out to be illusory made the saga seem even more of a parable about the consequences of unbridled greed.
Inspiration came from the parable of the talents, in which Jesus tells the story of a man who entrusts money to his servants, he said.
Like the good older son in the Biblical parable, they resent how voters are willing to take Gingrich back and even make him their leader.
As the story of Clementi has become a popular parable of teen-age good and evil, that yellow-toned photograph has become an icon of adolescent distress.
His parable of the virgins in Mat 25:1-12 ENCAPSULATES Jewish beliefs.
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Rebuilding is expected to provide a major boost to GDP, though pace the parable of the broken window, the statistics may mask the economic damage.
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So even the apparently simple parable of Herr Puntila reveals the conflicting strands of human nature and the inability of fallen man to become whole again.
The Rt Rev Nicholas Reade will compare her visit to "a parable of hope at times of national and international crises" in his Easter Sunday sermon.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Lancashire | Rice's visit 'a source of light'
He combined contemporaneous political issues with elements from a Chinese parable and the story of the judgment of Solomon, in which two women claim the same child.
In this parable a mischievous boy breaks a shopkeeper's window.
Then you have the parable of the Golden Goose.
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Ms Showalter does not attempt to unravel the intractable moral and legal conundrums raised by this unsettling parable, but she uses it as a metaphor to ask questions about literary judgment.
For me, as a Christian, one of the most important of these teachings is contained in the parable of the Good Samaritan, when Jesus answers the question, 'Who is my neighbour?
So, how is this a parable of America today?
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The Saint-Jean lawsuit reads like a parable of the mortgage meltdown, complete with unsophisticated homeowners, avaricious bankers, and a mortgage that looks like it was designed to blow up from the beginning.
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The troubles at Kabul Bank stand as a parable for the sometimes malign effect that the influx of billions of dollars has had on this impoverished country since the current war began, in 2001.
His play, The Great Hargeisa Goat Bubble, managed to explain the boom and bust in credit derivatives leading up to the financial crisis of 2008-09, all with the help of a crazy parable involving goats.
Those who actually read the New Testament will find fairness defined in the gospel of Matthew in the parable of talents in which the lord distributes his wealth among three servants to manage while he is on a journey.
Very much a work of art rather than of history, this beautifully written novel edges towards saying something profound about the relationships between art and life, men and women, the powerful and the disempowered, without ever becoming a simplistic parable.
In the book, which is told via a parable, the management team at a janitorial company suffering from high turnover and low employee engagement turned its fortunes around by finding ways to listen better to their employees and help them lead the lives they want to.