• Advocates of a strong court say that this is a regressive legal step and could paralyse the court.

    ECONOMIST: The UN and war criminals

  • Some fear that the euro zone's expansion by 12-16 countries over the next few years could paralyse monetary policymaking.

    ECONOMIST: The ECB heads for turbulence

  • The first shots have been fired in what could turn into a two-year election campaign that may paralyse the government less than halfway through its term.

    ECONOMIST: Germany

  • There has been talk that opposition legislators might boycott Congress, and that the right, which is quite strong in municipalities, will try to paralyse local government.

    ECONOMIST: Chile and Pinochet

  • Meanwhile, an increasingly personalised quarrel between the Shia-led United Iraqi Alliance on the one hand and the Kurdish, Sunni Arab and secular parties on the other threatens to paralyse politics altogether.


  • Even if Miss Padaca sees out a full three-year term, she worries that Mr Dy's allies will paralyse her administration, paving the way for his return to power at the next election.

    ECONOMIST: The Philippines

  • One consequence was to paralyse the European project.

    ECONOMIST: Agenda 1999

  • "I think it is amazing that despite all the years of intensive study there are still massive discoveries to be made about fundamental honey-bee physiology such as the ability to paralyse small insects and mites, " he said.

    BBC: Honey-bees found to have bite that stuns

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