Plus, fundraiser Claire Lomas says her life has improved since becoming paralysed from the chest down.
In the 1970s, India's businessmen were protected from foreign competition, but paralysed by government regulations.
He is now tetraplegic, paralysed below the chest, with limited movement in his arms.
Ms Lomas was paralysed from the chest down in a horse-riding accident in 2007.
He starts from the observation that even those who are otherwise paralysed can sniff.
The major question is this: What does this mean for humans who are paralysed?
The research prompted some newspaper reports talking of "new hope" for paralysed patients.
Geron wants to inject embryonic stem cells direct into the spine of newly paralysed patients.
Businesses are paralysed, hospitals are overwhelmed and roads are gridlocked as people try to flee.
Bystanders were paralysed by fear and the incident received little attention in the press.
Government has been paralysed since the then prime minister, Rosny Smarth, resigned last June.
Dr Goffer says his aim is to enable paralysed people to lead normal lives.
But because her illness has left her paralysed, she needs assistance to do it.
Dr Birbaumer is not alone in his quest to give a voice to the paralysed.
Albania has been paralysed by political deadlock since a disputed election in June 2009.
He was in any event severely crippled, even for a time paralysed and incontinent.
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As companies battle with high interest charges and paralysed investment projects, businessmen are showing signs of strain.
His two-year-old nephew, Igors Zunda's son, was left paralysed and another passenger, Julija Vonfelfende, was seriously injured.
Ten years on, Farouk is still paralysed, yet speaking from his wheelchair, he still refuses to hate.
It was clearly a question which had not only paralysed his mind, but his limbs as well.
Labour and its allies retort, with justice, that Mr Netanyahu's policies poisoned and paralysed the peace process.
One man in a purple polo shirt is partly-paralysed down his right side, a victim of post-traumatic stress.
Greek doctors said he was 48 hours from death and warned he would be paralysed after the attack.
An analyst describes it as a paralysed organisation, overly dependent on one industry (telecoms) and one client (BT).
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PDI-P plans to control the main economic posts, to limit the infighting that paralysed Mr Wahid's recovery efforts.
At first, Truman was almost paralysed by the immensity of his task and the paucity of his experience.
Even so, they met with outrage from the unions, sparking several marches and general strikes that paralysed the country.
Mr McNamara has been now told he is paralysed from the neck down.
Prosecutors in South Korea say North Korean hackers were behind an attack that paralysed a leading bank last month.
Bus services were paralysed and shops, schools and businesses remained closed in most of the Telangana region on Monday.