Few raise their heads above the parapet to blow the whistle on their bosses.
"Putting my head over the parapet has not been my favorite thing, " he admits.
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Volunteer Peter Frost said Mrs Moss was "a special lady who was prepared to raise her head above the parapet".
John the Evangelist standing against a pale parapet and a blue sky.
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In Cardiff this week a professor of sociology at last put his head over the parapet to reclaim his discipline's place in the sun.
There is a profound change going on around us that has yet to percolate far enough above the parapet that it becomes distinct and definable.
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For a handful of pocket change, you can climb to the top of the parapet for God-like views over the rest of the Roman ruins.
Corporate America, normally quick to resist government intrusion, has kept strangely silent, as though businessmen are afraid of the consequences of sticking their heads above the parapet.
Some countries have nevertheless put their heads above the parapet and spoken out against the more powerful nations, including the Gulf lobby, that wield power within the bloc.
Their leading light is Douglas Carswell who made his name in the last parliament calling for the resignation of Speaker Martin, when few other MPs dared put their head over the parapet.
There was always a sleepwalker edging along the parapet of a skyscraper with his arms reaching toward the moon, or a werewolf starting to howl in the middle of Times Square, or a pyromaniac setting fire to the dock warehouses.
Firemen helped the young girl to safety from an outside parapet on which she was standing, and went in search of the French businessman, who was found and taken outside before being taken to hospital, where he was later pronounced dead.
Anyone who recoiled at the violence of the film, memorably demonstrated by Oscar-winner Joe Pesci, would have considered Hill's decision to stick his head above the parapet of anonymity as suicidal, but events this week suggest the biggest threat to himself came from within.
Meanwhile, instead of letting the ribbons go, the girls had stayed attached to them, and the moon had lifted them up, sending them flying over the parapet and off the bridge: they described arcs in the air like divers and disappeared into the water.
For things that clearly do have the springlike quality of shifting irreversibly if pulled (or pushed) too far, like the collapse of ice sheets or the melting of permafrost, a boundary system that seeks to stop you getting too close to the threshold seems as sensible as a safety rail is on a parapet.