In 2007, a parliamentary committee heard concerns that Woodward's BOA role had not helped some sports.
There is no limit to this process other than the impending end of the Parliamentary year.
Note the brass cigar holders for Parliamentary deputies on the window-ledge, from a more tobacco-friendly age.
All four have denied breaking parliamentary rules but have referred themselves to the standards watchdog.
BBC: No 10 plans statutory register of lobbyists bill by July
Plenty there for MPs - and hacks - to think about as we disappear for the parliamentary recess.
In 1997, he was elected to the influential position of chair of the parliamentary Labour party.
They would be appearing next week before a parliamentary panel into the hacking probe.
Observers say the results give an indication of political support ahead of next year's parliamentary elections.
He added that all three men also are being investigated under laws protecting Malaysia's parliamentary democracy.
"It is natural for them to go up and down, " he told a parliamentary session.
Bulgaria's parliamentary election has left the country facing more political uncertainty after a tight finish.
Furthermore, the main characteristic of the French political system remains - weak parliamentary rule.
He is vying for a national parliamentary seat in a middle-class neighborhood in west Lahore.
Mr. Abe may want to avoid difficult reforms ahead of parliamentary upper house elections in July.
Murdoch claimed in his recent parliamentary testimony that he had no knowledge of the hacking.
The agreement aims to have Palestinian presidential and parliamentary elections within the next year.
The Scottish Greens have set aside their allotted parliamentary time on Wednesday to hold the debate.
After the program, Bakhtiyar went home to Azerbaijan to stand in a parliamentary election.
He says the constitution only allows whole parliamentary blocs to change sides, not individuals.
No longer: the parliamentary election of 2012 would be the first one he sat out.
The members of the Parliamentary Assembly are appointed by the parliaments of each member state.
CNN: Report: NATO shares blame over Libya migrant boat deaths
But the Tories claim to have documents proving that his parliamentary apology was misleading as well.
ECONOMIST: Why doing business with the government can be a bad idea
It is also seen as a test run ahead of parliamentary elections in 2014.
The bill passed two previous parliamentary votes and has been endorsed by Prime Minister John Key.
The bill has to be passed by the end of the Parliamentary year, early in May.
The Bill is unlikely to become law due to a lack of parliamentary time.
Markets have fallen in anticipation of political deadlock in Italy following parliamentary elections there.
That may work for Europe's parliamentary systems, but it's not the way things work here.
The judiciary's independence is crucial for Egypt's coming parliamentary elections, scheduled for later this year.
WSJ: Egypt's Top Judge Quits, as Fears Rise Over Morsi's Sway
It follows calls by the Greens for a sweeping parliamentary inquiry into ethics and media ownership.