Even so, this leaves only three weeks for parliamentary debate before the Christmas recess.
However, the parliamentary debate went ahead after several postponements to give Sheikh Saad more time to consider his position.
MSPs unanimously backed a change in the law following a short parliamentary debate.
MPs to put timely questions to the government, and meant that any subsequent parliamentary debate attracted less media interest.
Like a good fugue the recent parliamentary debate on regional pay in the NHS had more than one major subject.
Hungary, Sweden and the Czech Republic also expressed reservations about treaty change -- but left the door open, pending parliamentary debate.
In the parliamentary debate last week on the government programme, he repeatedly declined opposition invitations to elaborate on the spending plans.
She added that the recommendations would be subject to a parliamentary debate.
Labour have already referred Mr Russell to the Scottish Parliament's Standards Commissioner and are using their parliamentary debate time tomorrow, to discuss the matter.
An e-petition aimed at trying to save a children's heart surgery unit in Leicester has exceeded the target it needs to secure a parliamentary debate.
It also prompted calls for a parliamentary debate on press freedom.
Peers also join the continuing parliamentary debate on road safety with a short debate on rebalancing the responsibilities of motorists and cyclists on the roads.
The Conservative MP has secured a parliamentary debate on the issue.
But the RSPCA's policy of bringing private prosecutions rather than referring them to the Crown Prosecution Service was raised earlier this year in a parliamentary debate.
Godfrey Bloom, an MEP in the UK Independence Party, criticised the package as "a triumph of hope over experience", in the Strasbourg parliamentary debate on Tuesday.
In the parliamentary debate, British government spokesmen insisted on the importance of a UN mandate for military action, and on the narrow goal of disarming Iraq.
It was published just in time for a specially-convened parliamentary debate on Iraq, which saw a revolt by some 50 members of his own Labour Party.
The phrase so neatly encapsulated his notion of their brief that he used it, or minor variants, 17 times during the hour-long parliamentary debate on his announcement.
ECONOMIST: Another inquiry��just not the one the war��s critics want
Campaigners for the families of five French trawlermen killed when their fishing vessel sank off Cornwall nine years ago have called for a parliamentary debate over the sinking.
BBC: Bugaled Breizh trawler sinking: Petition calls for debate
Mr Garnier, who on Monday led a parliamentary debate about plans to close the units, said he welcomed the review but said ECMO and heart surgery were inextricably linked.
BBC: Heart surgery review 'should include Glenfield ECMO unit'
Sheffield Heeley's Labour MP, Meg Munn, has called a parliamentary debate on the Highways Agency plan to allow drivers to use the hard shoulder between junctions 32 and 35.
Mr MacAskill was speaking in a parliamentary debate on the impact of the Cadder case which led to hundreds of criminal proceedings being abandoned after a supreme court ruling.
Carsten Berg of Democracy International (a pressure group that campaigned for the ECI) notes that a successful petition does not trigger a public vote or even a parliamentary debate.
ECONOMIST: Direct democracy: Vox populi or hoi polloi? | The
The policy has caused heated debate, with backbench MPs securing a parliamentary debate on the issue in the wake of an e-petition which has been signed by more than 150, 000 people.
Prompted by claims by Boris Johnson that "momentum" was growing for Crossrail 2, he demanded a parliamentary debate before any money was approved even for preparatory work on a new rail line.
But the annulment of the marriage of two French Muslims in Lille, granted because the bride falsely claimed to be a virgin, has prompted an outcry, culminating in a riotous parliamentary debate on June 3rd.
ECONOMIST: How a lie about virginity embarrassed the justice minister
His government's use of procedural devices to cut short parliamentary debate has even been criticised by his ally, Gianfranco Fini, former leader of the National Alliance and now speaker of the lower-house Chamber of Deputies.
ECONOMIST: Italy and its prime minister: The Berlusconisation of Italy | The
That does not mean just televising Parliamentary debates - "because watching a Parliamentary debate is like watching paint dry" - but packaging the type of work Parliament does "so that people understand how we arrive at legislation".
The Labour MP for York Central, Hugh Bayley, and the Conservative MP for York Outer, Julian Sturdy said they would press for a Parliamentary debate on how they claim the county "loses out" due to the national funding formula.
But that debate has now moved to Parliament and let's have it conducted in Parliament and let's get on with the legislation and then let's implement as quickly as possible whatever comes out of that legislation following the parliamentary debate.