What would have happened if we had kept parliamentary government?
"This government was born after consultations with deputies who will be part of the government in the coming months as part of the parliamentary government experience, " Mr Ensour said.
Since the military handed power to a parliamentary government last year, Myanmar has released hundreds of political prisoners, legalized its main opposition party and loosened restrictions on the media.
We propose that, for MPs representing constituencies outside London, the Personal Additional Accommodation Expenditure (commonly known as the 'second home' allowance) should be abolished and be replaced by a flat-rate daily allowance, based on actual attendance at Westminster on parliamentary and government business or the business of the Opposition frontbenches.
The review will also look into the decisions to hold the parliamentary and local government polls on the same day, combining the two parliamentary votes on one ballot sheet and the role of the Electoral Commission itself in preparations for the elections.
Klaus argued that a directly elected president would have greater popular authority and that this could undermine the Czech Republic's parliamentary system of government.
Though the two personally rank high in opinion polls, they have not found a way to translate their popularity into power in a parliamentary form of government.
Mr Swinney was giving evidence to the Scotland Bill Committee alongside Parliamentary Business and Government Strategy Secretary Bruce Crawford on 17 November 2011, as the committee gave the legislation its final public scrutiny.
The budget for which the government secured parliamentary approval on March 29th has been widely seen as an important step in the right direction.
Syria's government hailed parliamentary elections last month, the first to be held under a new constitution, for being pluralistic and drawing in new political parties.
In the parliamentary debate, British government spokesmen insisted on the importance of a UN mandate for military action, and on the narrow goal of disarming Iraq.
Labour may be getting a bit hot under the collar over the UK government's reluctance to devote parliamentary time to a discussion of the Welsh government's revenue-raising abilities but peers have quietly got on with the job.
BBC: Peers discuss whether Wales should have taxation powers
The controversy over Klaus's re-election meant that when Petr Necas, the leader of the centre-right Civic Democrat party (ODS), was attempting to form a government after the 2010 parliamentary elections, several of his prospective coalition partners made their cooperation conditional on the new government making reform of the presidential election system part of its programme.
News of the government's decision came in a parliamentary written answer from Hilary Armstrong, the local government minister.
Or will this rather techie issue become a trial of strength between Government ministers and parliamentary scrutineers.
Of the two other coalition parties, only the Northern League has the parliamentary clout to bring the government down.
On the day of the rating downgrade the government lost five parliamentary votes, largely because some PdL deputies failed to turn up.
The fact that no single party or coalition got anywhere near a clear majority would make forming a government, a parliamentary system, difficult under any circumstances.
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Labour MP Keith Vaz, a former chair of the Indian-British parliamentary group, said the government needed to reassure its Indian counterpart that their bilateral relationship was still a priority.
MPs rejected by three votes a clause in the government's Parliamentary Standards Bill to allow their proceedings to be used in court against an errant MP, breaking the long standing right to Parliamentary privilege.
So perhaps it is not surprising that the hopes of Stephen Harper, Canada's Conservative prime minister, of endowing his minority government with a parliamentary majority at a general election on October 14th may end up being dashed.
This isn't about one government or one parliamentary term, but about an economic and social path that has been followed for more than 30 years now, with changes of government resulting only in a change of pace rather than a change of policy direction.
The parliamentary ombudsman has called on the government to compensate those who lost pensions.
In addition to local-government, European and parliamentary contests, the parties now have to fight elections to the Scottish and Welsh assemblies.
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MPs would probably buck the party whips, and Mr Straw is unlikely to want to precipitate his government's first parliamentary defeat.
Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, a crossbench peer and member of the all-party parliamentary disability group, said the government needed to "think again".
In the parliamentary debate last week on the government programme, he repeatedly declined opposition invitations to elaborate on the spending plans.
Last week, Mr Abbas was warned that should he risk a parliamentary vote of confidence in his government, he would probably lose.
Mr. Nath, the parliamentary affairs minister, said the government is considering DMK's demands and will hold talks with the party to resolve the differences.