Part-time study is the only way many people can access higher education and we must support it.
In response to the dramatic downturn in part-time students nationwide, unprecedented support is needed now to ensure part-time study thrives in future.
One third of England's undergraduate population studies part-time, and the importance of part-time study for the economy and social mobility is widely recognised.
This led to part-time study at a technical school and then evening attendance at the London School of Economics, working as an accountant by day.
He added that the fall in part-time study and in mature students taking degrees was of "real concern for individuals, organisations and our society and economy".
Part-time study is key for students not entering higher education through a more traditional route and will be vital to the success of the widening participation agenda.
We need to monitor closely the changing demand for part-time, mature and postgraduate study, and will continue to do so.
Joining the Sun-Times part-time in 1966, he pursued graduate study at the University of Chicago and got the reviewing job the following year.
But in the longer term, students and their parents are likely to think a lot harder about whether to study full time or part-time, how long for, in what subject and where.
The participants for this study were ninety-seven evening part-time MBA students from a large Midwestern urban university.
While more companies are allowing employees to work when and where they want to, they increasingly are limiting people's ability to take a leave or work part-time, the Families and Work Institute found in its 2012 National Study of Employers.
The study also found that 39.4% worked part-time, 29.2% were self employed and 31.4% worked full-time.
Kate Vanorden said her son had two part-time jobs and was saving money to go to Onondaga County Community College to study auto mechanics.