That's not to say that emotion won't play a part from here on out.
Instagram managed to create a cache in part from its status as an underground hit.
Cut away the roots and most of the green part from the leeks and discard.
The stress comes in part from large and growing divergences between Germany and the periphery.
And the design philosophy that made that possible came in large part from Steve Jobs.
The change came about in part from the feedback from interviews with employees who were leaving.
Though Myanmar's neighbours deny it, their soft line stems at least in part from selfishness.
The city's improved fiscal health of course stems in large part from Wall Street's rebound.
ECONOMIST: Lexington: The mystery of Michael Bloomberg | The
The panic comes in part from a rush to lump all the blame on globalisation.
ECONOMIST: Globalisation and the rise of inequality: Rich man, poor man | The
"You can't order a part from Westinghouse or General Electric that is 100 years old, " Mr. Jacob said.
Funding for the new boathouse has come in part from West Cumbria's development agency Britain's Energy Coast (BEC).
Consumer spending has been muted, no doubt in part from the huge tax increase that arrived in January.
This also frees them in large part from the model of the new journalist discussed in the article.
He got the money to furnish Marketplace's fancy new studio in part from a wildly successful mail-order gig.
She says it comes in part from her love for the upright bass.
In part from our culture, which bombards them with the idea that IQ tests measure how bright they are.
His reputation stemmed in large part from his long tenure on Wall Street.
Their reputation for rarity comes in no small part from man, not nature.
It is one that resulted in part from bad timing and bad luck.
The concept behind the engine derives in part from a principle outlined by Robert Stirling in 19th century Scotland.
Both movements are born in part from outrage over the 2008-09 bank bailouts.
Hublot's success stems in part from Mr Biver's penchant for rationing his products.
That is, if galaxies formed in part from accretion of other small galaxies.
FORBES: Astronomers Confirm Milky Way's Most Distant Stellar Stream
"But I have to part from the idea that they had these structured roads in the Roman sense, " he said.
In some cases, extremism may stem in part from male frustration that the old order is being subverted, he speculates.
His self-confidence and self-possession come in part from the fact that he enjoys a life outside the world of sailing.
The relationship between money and happiness is surprisingly weak, which may stem in part from the way people spend it.
FORBES: Money Can Buy Happiness, If You Spend It On Other People!
The accounting problems encountered in doing this arise in no small part from getting it allowed as a tax-deductible expense.
As for that famed expertise, it stemmed in part from Lloyd's separation of the underwriting from the provision of capital.
Nick Bourne was a consultative, consensual leader, whose authority derived in part from having his group on board with his strategy.