Because a poor black kid who gets good grades, has a part time job and becomes proficient with a technical skill will go to college.
She immediately landed a new part time job, started a company teaching etiquette to young kids and with her new swagger, landed a new boyfriend as well.
There are 91 full-time members of staff and 17 part-time - it is thought seven full-time jobs and one part-time job are at risk in the proposed re-organisation plans.
The minister also denied youth unemployment was at its highest level "if you exclude from the figures full-time students who are looking for a part-time job".
The young careerists in creative fields in a full-time, but low pay, position who can make a little extra money with a part-time job at night.
David is in his late teens, lives alone and makes ends meet working a part-time job.
Downes had gone on food stamps and taken a part-time job blowing leaves for a landscaper.
He had a part-time job as well, and his wife also worked, out of necessity.
Or stuck in a part-time job they can't survive on, unable to get any more hours.
He became a widower 20 years ago and said the part-time job kept his mind active.
One appealing feature of writing as a part-time job is that you can explore various fields of interest.
" He smiles contentedly and declares, "I may have a part-time job, but I have a full-time life.
That 50s area ideal of a part-time job and a fixed up car is simply gone with the wind.
So in January, Lueck took a part-time job at a Harris Teeter store near his home in Cary, N.
Their younger sisters at college and school have plenty of money, too, thanks to Japan's vast part-time job market.
One dancer, who was a board member for a foundation, referred her to a part-time job doing biotechnology proposal research.
But he was disabused of this in 2008 when (aged 17) he sought a part-time job at the local football club.
Bob is considering taking a less-stressful, part-time job to finish his career.
To balance their domestic budget, his wife, Barbara, took a part-time job as a book-keeper and let a room in their flat.
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You might also be able to earn extra income with a part-time job or even by renting out a room to a tenant.
He added the college did not take into account projected earnings from students who aim to have a part-time job during their studies.
These same feminine qualities would later catch the eye of a modeling scout while Pejic was working at his part-time job at McDonald's.
Now the owner of a modest real estate business, Moore has a part-time job lecturing other executives how to distinguish financial engineering from outright fraud.
Mr Ofosu-Asare, a sports presenter in Ghana, said his son had been due to start a new part-time job at retailer Sports Direct this week.
BBC: Kwame Ofosu-Asare's father: He was a "sacrificial lamb"
If not you may need to find a part-time job to make up the difference, at least until such time as your state pensions kick in.
D. student who lives in Oakland, Ms. Jackson saw an ad for Article One researchers while searching for a part-time job on Craigslist a few years ago.
Here in the U.S., he landed a part-time job in the stockroom of a Barnes and Noble, but lost it because the government was slow with his paperwork.
"T" had been CRB checked when he applied for a part-time job at a local football club aged 17 and later for a university course in sports studies.
Paul goes on to make a pretty big deal over how Ron had a part-time job painting the school during a summer holiday and delivering furniture for a store.
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In the midst of writing that book, she went through a few periods where she got very worried about not having enough money and decided to get a part-time job.