The new rule blows a huge hole into lots of startups, particularly ad networks like 140proof and OneRiot.
Now, the ad is particularly outrageous as Governor Romney himself, with 28 other Republican governors, supported policies that would have eliminated the time limits in the welfare reform law and allowed people to stay on welfare forever.
This includes searches conducted outside the U.S., particularly in emerging markets where ad rates are lower.
For advertisers, the technology takes a lot of the legwork out of buying ad space, particularly across screens owned by multiple firms, said Mike Finnegan, director of product development at Xaxis, an online media-buying platform owned by WPP PLC.
Mr. Subramanian added that it could particularly energize the mobile advertising market because ad developers are most familiar with Adobe's Flash programming software.
But it is unclear how much more ad inventory Google can sell, particularly if rates keep rising.
And he's particularly concerned about the company's new ad exchange, a Nasdaq-style online advertising marketplace announced earlier this month.
The analysts are particularly bullish on Project Devil, a new ad format intended to lure premium brand advertising from TV to print, and Patch, the hyperlocal venture.
The climate was particularly cold in two periods around 800 BC and 1700 AD.
Some saluted the move as gutsy and differentiated, while others questioned why a digital advertising company was eschewing Internet ads in favor of TV, particularly when those TV ads were highlighting the problem of ad clutter online.
Professional ad agencies and middlemen still serve a purpose, particularly as gatekeepers.
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The whole arrangement, particularly that last part, was terrifying to publishers, who saw an ad-revenue future burned away in a stark landscape of text-only syndication.
The shrinkage of the printed book business - particularly in non-fiction - has also led the publisher setting up ad-funded websites Honest John - for car enthusiasts, the Complete University Guide and home-grown veg site Allotments.
BBC: Ebooks: Is digital opening up a new chapter for publishing?
The Little Ice Age, following the historically warm temperatures of the Medieval Warm Period, which lasted from about AD 950 to 1250, has been attributed to natural cycles in solar activity, particularly sunspots.
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He argues that the ad is poorly conceived since it pairs athleticism with greatness, which, for anyone, but particularly for an obese person, is a no-no.
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