• The party concerned denies the charge.

    BBC: Why India is in dire need of electoral reform

  • The former president increasingly came under fire from neutral Democrats and party elders concerned he was fracturing the party in an election cycle during which Democrats appeared to hold the advantage in nearly every way.

    CNN: Poll: Some Clinton supporters still not embracing Obama

  • Green MSP Robin Harper said his party was concerned that transitional arrangements to help affected communities may not be adequate.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Skippers consider legal action

  • The party is concerned that any debate could get bogged down in legal challenges from smaller parties not invited to participate.

    BBC: TV debate pressure 'on Blair'

  • Critics have been less positive, with some Labour Party lawmakers concerned that security will be inadequate or that the prominent military presence will make visitors uncomfortable.

    CNN: London's Olympic security headache

  • Critics have been less positive, with some Labour Party lawmakers concerned that security will be inadequate or that visitors will be made uncomfortable by a prominent military presence.

    CNN: UK faces security questions ahead of London Olympics

  • With an exponential increase in the numbers of private firms and foreign companies, the Communist Party was concerned about losing support from young people and started a campaign to recruit new members in private and foreign companies.

    FORBES: Viable Oppositions for Democracy in China?

  • But as far as my party is concerned the second paragraph of our manifesto states that we are non-racist, non-sectarian and we're open to any British person who wants to or understands what freedom, tolerance are all about.

    BBC: News Online

  • After sixteen years' activity in constituency, parliamentary and party politics, I want to bring that experience to bear where the party leadership is concerned.

    BBC: Charles Kennedy: A party of government

  • Party staff are concerned that a lazy campaign ending in a heavy defeat by Ken Livingstone, the Labour incumbent, would reflect badly on Mr Cameron.

    ECONOMIST: The Conservatives are doing well, but not well enough

  • According to a source, a concerned party reached out to Tressel last April, alerting the coach that memorabilia transactions had taken place between Rife and a handful of Buckeyes players, including Pryor.

    FORBES: Coach Tressel's Hypocrisy, Deception Damaging To Ohio State

  • What it probably did was reinforce the perception in many Plaid members minds that the party establishment were concerned that a Leanne victory would really shake things up and had to be stopped.

    BBC: How Leanne left others trailing

  • The closure deadline was set in Mr Obama's first week of office, but since then growing numbers of the president's own party have become concerned about the release of terrorist suspects into their constituencies.

    BBC: Senate to reject Guantanamo plan

  • No one on the tea party express seems concerned with the vocal fringe of the crowds that come with offensive signs -- besides Nazi imagery, a poster of Obama as an African witch doctor has become popular -- or the numerous conspiracy theories that float around most tea parties.

    CNN: Tea party movement has anger, no dominant leaders

  • Some party members are so concerned at the stringent identity checks that a motion has been put forward for debate on the subject.

    BBC: Lib Dem conference: Clegg warning over axing 50p tax

  • Chris Lyttle of the Alliance Party said he remained concerned about the quality of careers guidance and the lack of tracking of careers outcomes.

    BBC: Education maintenance allowance

  • While most Tea Party activists are genuinely concerned about the future of the country, some others see conspiracies around every corner and use unacceptable rhetoric to communicate their displeasure with the president.

    CNN: Commentary: How GOP can manage Tea Party

  • Chris Lyttle of the Alliance Party said some victims were concerned that there was no provision after 1995.

    BBC: Inquiry into Historical Institutional Abuse Bill cont'd.

  • Although corruption, rural poverty and damage to the environment threaten this, party leaders are still more concerned about the danger of unemployment.

    ECONOMIST: China

  • If ordinary people feel that way about him, Mr Blair need not feel overly concerned about what his party feels.

    ECONOMIST: Heads, not hearts

  • Following the reports submitted by the Nanavati commission, the ninth and last inquiry into the anti-Sikh riots, the governing Congress party merely asked the state governments concerned to take action against the persons involved in the rioting, even though some of those named in the investigation were Congress leaders.

    BBC: More than 250 people were killed in the Mumbai bombings

  • Perhaps most galling to many Democratic activists, the party's leaders often seem more concerned about pandering to their critics on the right than looking after their devoted supporters.

    ECONOMIST: And not about to rush to the polls in November, either

  • Although Wall Street denizens may not be great fans of President Barack Obama (and generally prefer Republican leaders), they might also be concerned if a tea-party-inspired candidate took the White House.

    ECONOMIST: The markets will reveal which is right

  • South Korean and U.S. officials say the armistice can't legally be canceled by any one party to it, but Seoul is concerned that the North is clearing a path for an attack or other provocation.

    WSJ: Pressure Rises on Korean Peninsula

  • While supporting the general principals of the bill, Ken Macintosh - who speaks for the Labour Party on finance - said he was concerned about the timing of when both the rates and bands would be made public.

    BBC: MSPs debate changes to stamp duty on Scots properties

  • So we have no choice but to be concerned about the fate of our party, state and people.

    ECONOMIST: China's new rulers

  • The Republican Party is becoming a perversely rigid sect, more concerned with being militantly correct than being pragmatic and successful.

    BBC: Viewpoint: Republicans at a crossroads

  • But, as far as the secularists are concerned, any candidate that the AK Party proposes, they see that as a threat to the secular republic.

    NPR: Dispatches from Turkey

  • Always concerned with trying to make the Labour Party a non-socialist Labour Party, but he was nevertheless immensely important and a very good director of communications.

    BBC: News Online

  • You can translate the prayers and songs into English, but if you don't include Hebrew, as far as I'm concerned it feels more like a dinner party than a religious celebration.

    WSJ: Passover Challenged

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