He is due to be replaced as Liberal leader at a party convention in May.
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He is set to be officially anointed as the Republican nominee at the party convention in Florida in late August.
But on Sunday, Ms Silva announced at a party convention in Sao Paulo that she would endorse neither candidate.
Though he electrified the party convention, Mr Carter trounced him in the primaries before being crushed by Ronald Reagan.
The timing of the Reddit chat was seen to be significant as it coincided with the US Republican Party convention.
Mr Clinton has promised to end his book tour before the Democratic Party convention, when Mr Kerry officially accepts the presidential nomination.
The GOP reportedly considered letting him speak at the 2000 party convention.
If enough of them put his name on their draft ballots, he will be invited to speak at the party convention Aug. 11 in Long Beach, California.
Yet, even before the delegates had assembled for a party convention on February 20th to pick a permanent successor to Mr Clark, the dirt was flying again.
Clinton also announced that she would not be attending the Independence Party Convention on Monday because she did not want to run on the same line with Patrick Buchanan.
They are clearly not the kind of numbers (the GM jobs report specifically) that one would wave as a success at a national party convention for a Presidential nomination.
And, indeed, the latest warnings came just days after Mr Bush's challenger, John Kerry, launched his election campaign at what was widely seen as a successful Democratic Party convention.
As the race progressed superdelegates, made up of prominent party members who are free to vote their preference at the party convention, became the most important votes in the nomination process.
Robert "Big Red" Rankin is a retired chemical worker and union leader from the blue-collar city of Carson, south of Los Angeles, who recently attended the state party convention in San Jose.
It marks the start of the six-month period during which each US state will hold primary elections or caucuses to pick a Republican candidate, who will be officially nominated at the party convention in August.
He seems certain to be dumped at a party convention next May. (Sadly his defeat may make other politicians think twice before championing a tax on carbon emissions.) Some of the Liberals' erstwhile supporters seem to have switched to the socialist New Democrats.
President Clinton may cling to a separation of church and state that allows him to share his latest Monica mea culpa with an audience of forgiving preachers, only to free himself to dwell on his secular achievements when he addresses the party convention on Monday night.
CNN: Bleeding-Heart Republicans vs. God-Fearing Democrats; What Is This?
In both parties, the candidate who obtains a majority of delegate votes at that party's convention receives the party's nomination.
In June he spoke to rave reviews at California's Reform Party state convention.
On Saturday, former Alaska governor and Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin gave the keynote address at the Tea Party Movement convention in Nashville, Tennessee.
Furthermore, UNESCO was a driving force behind the 1995 adoption of the UNIDROIT Convention on stolen or illicitly exported cultural property, which aims at harmonizing private law in the 15 States party to the Convention today.
But the plaintiffs in the lawsuit argued that the Florida Reform Party no longer met a requirement that it be affiliated with a national party holding a national convention to nominate presidential candidates because the Reform Party USA -- the remnants of a movement spearheaded by Ross Perot in 1992 -- no longer met that definition.
Before either party had their convention this year, in late August, ABC polled with the same question.
FORBES: How Does The Current Republican Ticket Compare To Reagan/Bush?
The party penalized both states by refusing to seat their delegates at the party's convention in August.
The Democratic presidential candidate has sought to recast himself, especially during his party's convention, as GI Joe.
United States because the United States is not a party to the Convention.
Nonetheless, McCain's surprise announcement will bring viewers to his party's convention in St.
And last week, our friends in the other party had their convention.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event -- Norfolk, VA
The winner of each will receive a trip to their party's convention.
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This will be modelled on the highly successful cross-party Scottish Constitutional Convention, whose plan for a Scottish parliament is now being enacted by the government.