After losing to eventual champion Kentucky in last year's Final Four, Louisville complemented its returning stars with a fresh shipment of talent and is here only to cut down the nets, a party favor the Cardinals declined after winning last month's Big East tournament and last week's Midwest region.
The PRI and PAN, and smaller Green Party voted in favor, while the leftist parties led by the Party of Democratic Revolution, or PRD, opposed it.
In states and districts that slightly favor one party and have been traditionally represented by moderates from the opposite party, the very lawmakers viewed as "problem solvers" are tossed out in favor of those who promise change, Ornstein said.
In other words, how can the tea party and its supporters favor small and large government?
More likely, they lead to rash decisions -- decisions that invariably favor the party with longer time horizons.
That being the case, it's also entirely possible that Apple could dissolve its third-party retail partnerships in favor of its own stores.
In most states, governors must sign off on the redistricting plans, and both sides are trying to stack state capitols with officials who will favor their party in redrawing the Congressional map.
WSJ: Democrats Retain Majority As 11 Gubernatorial Races Near Finish
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) defended the vote, noting that the Republican party was not in favor of a student loan interest rate increase but did not support a boost in taxes for small businesses.
FORBES: Congress Attempts To Sneak Tax Increase Into Student Loan Bill
They did the kimono-robe-wearing and sumo-wrestler-costumed party-goers the immense favor of obscuring their faces in the photos.
FORBES: Dear College Students, Please Stop Taking Photos Of Your Inappropriately-Themed Frat Parties
"It is a vote against corruption--against the ruling party, but not in favor of the Congress, " said Chintamani Mahapatra, who teaches international relations at Jawaharalal Nehru University in New Delhi.
So far foreign investors in general may be overlooking the political noise (Thaksin's party remains in power) in favor of Thailand's positive economic fundamentals.
They were also allowed to campaign in favor of third-party candidates.
FORBES: Who Will Be Elected Pres On Tuesday? American High School Students Say Obama
This means Mr. Najib is vulnerable to a leadership contest from within his own party, and his likely challengers favor the racial privileges for Malays that have underpinned the ruling coalition.
The problem is that any electoral strategy of this nature must rely on the election laws of the state when contemplating moves that work to the favor of one political party or the other.
FORBES: Wisconsin Democrats Fret Over Strategy For Walker Recall
Moreover, while Netanyahu shunts aside his own party's most popular politicians like Minister of Strategic Affairs Moshe Ya'alon in favor of Defense Minister Ehud Barak, he demoralizes his party faithful and his voters.
Although they tend to favor Republicans, the Tea Party has problems with both political parties and the two-party system in general.
Meanwhile, 19 percent of Obama supporters say they will favor McCain should Clinton be the party's nominee.
Wednesday's committee vote on the contempt measure was on strict party lines -- with 23 Republicans in favor and 17 Democrats opposing.
There is an inherent tension between conservatism and liberty, he pointed out, which in a "conservative" party can't reliably be resolved in favor of liberty.
Its government, led by a party of the left, has established a national consensus in favor of market- and investor-friendly economic policies.
Prime Minister David Cameron is also in favor of the bill, despite opposition within his own party.
The bill passed on a largely party-line 245-178 vote, with most Democrats voting in favor of it and most Republicans opposed.
CNN: Republicans critical of $410 billion FY2009 spending bill
Most believe that when Mahathir is ready to go, he will favor his current deputy, the man he brought into the party and has groomed to take over.
Political analysts say the revelations could play in favor of Beppe Grillo, a popular former comedian who leads an antiestablishment party that rails against national elites.
As that organization's president, Colin Hanna, has pointed out: A national sample conducted earlier this year of likely voters identifying themselves as "generally supportive of the Tea Party movement" revealed this insight: 55% of such voters are not in favor of cutting the defense budget beyond current levels, as opposed to only 34% favoring further reductions in its accounts.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Rep. Howard 'Buck' McKeon, Keeper of the Flame
Hollande himself, though he promotes gay marriage as a progressive symbol, admitted he doesn't personally favor allowing medically assisted reproduction to homosexuals, and with the assent of many socialist party officials, had these corresponding measures postponed -- for parliament to decide -- as another law to a future debate, in March, or never.
More conservative members of Illinois' Republican Party have been trying to oust Pat Brady for months, largely because he took a position in favor of gay marriage when a bill to legalize it was before the Legislature earlier this year.
Thomas said that Shell was in favor of cap and trade, which has come under pressure from some politicians in the Republican Party.
FORBES: Climate Change Policies OK, So Long As It's Tax Free, Poll Says